Okay only the highlights. Yesterday was amazing. I was at a watch inwhich I had not been intending on being at. I was playing my music because the person running that watch was late. I playing glory music and she came in and liked it so we left the music. There was some indivdual time of prayer and then we sat around together holding hands because that is what Nicole saw us doing when she walked in. We were sitting there holding hands and Nicole was praying something. And I had a vision. I was unsure of what it meant but I shared it anyways. The neat thing was to see the body work as one. I shared and Nicole and the other gal prayed into with understanding and then I recieved more. And there wasn't this oh I know what that is or I knnow. It just flowed as if it was one person.
So here is what I saw...
Off in the distance was a walled city. As "we" (I just knew it was we) got closer the city got bigger and bigger. Then we entered it and it continued to get bigger and once we were in it you could no longer see the borders of the city it just continued on forever. And it had stone buildings, some big towers, some smaller, like a city would be. Then I watch wild horses run into the city. They ran in the gate and once they ran up the main street they spread out and filled the city. And the horses just kept coming. They prayed thanking the Lord for sending His people to the city. For letting them be wild, not controled by religion and such. And for sending them to the New Jerusalem. For send His warriors. Then I saw that the wild horses were running in because behind them was the Lion. The Lord was leading them He was corraling them. We called forth the people that God wanted to come here and we asked for grace for the workers who had been here and would not be "needed" during the battle but who would be being replaced.
It was just amazing. And probably the collest thing was the body working as one. It just came there was no fighting for time or arguing with each other. We were in agreement and the Lord was able to do what He needed to do. And that is only one of the amazing things the Lord did that day.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
So I forgot half of the good stuff from Thursday. The other part I that was amazing was that I got a prophetic song. Sadly right now I do not remember the tune but I wrote down the words.
Your presence smells like frankincense
It drips like oil
It tastes like honey under my tongue.
He knocked at the door
He poked his fingers through the lattice
Oil dripped down the gate
Where has my beloved gone (4x)
I'll chase after you
Then parts just kept repeating. It was so awesome. The presence of the Lord was so thick. Then we prayed that the anointing that was up on the top floor would go down to the bottom floor because the young adults were having a worship night. And I realized that it was amazing that King of Kings have the top floor and the bottom floor because if they can get the anointing flowing between the floors they can change the whole building. So then I went down to the DeepEnd (young adults) and the anointing was the same. The other part about that night I didn't share was that the leader got a prophetic song and it sounded like one of those songs that you sing to make fun of people. When I can find out how to do it I will record it and put it on this. Here is the song, it's very simple.
You're the King of the castle
We're no longer dirty rascals
So Thursday was a very good. Friday and Saturday have been a little boring because of Shabbot but life is good, because God is good.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Amazing Day
This is not everything that went on but it was I journaled about yesterday.
Thursday, April 26 2007
Yesterday I saw what I thought were angels in the Upper Room but I was unsure. Because I would see them out of my peripheral vision and then I would look and there was nothing. So today as I was up there during the morning watch and during my watch. I realized that they are “watchman” angels and that they have a wall that they watch and protect. Most of the time when I see them they are walking but once I saw one kneeling/praying. Then I saw one out in the hallway.
Tonight at the DeepEnd
We were singing take me into the Holy of Holies and I had my hands raised and I felt the Lord just grab my hands and say “Are you ready?” And he just picked me up and brought me to the Holy of Holies/Heaven. I physically went down to the ground so not to fall. I then saw myself lying down in Heaven in the same position. Everything on me slowly turned white and I was now wearing a dress. I looked about 6/8 but I was a grownup. I slowly stood up and twirled about in my new skirt. Then I was standing on my Father’s feet and we were dancing. My head only came up to his waist and I couldn’t see His face. It was kind of like those old cartoons where God would be walking with man and His face would be in a cloud. Then He picked me up and gave me a huge hug. We were dancing on clouds. Then he asked if He could show me something and I said Yes. So He took me to a room and as we walked in and it was totally dark. Then these flashes of light would go shooting by. After being in there a while I saw this necklace coming at me and I realized that the Father was giving it to me. It was a necklace with 2 red stones, one on top of the other. I knew that they were diamonds and that they were red because of Yeshua’s blood. The Lord put it on me. Then we left that room. We walked and talked some more I don’t remember what about. Then he pushed me back to earth.
Thursday, April 26 2007
Yesterday I saw what I thought were angels in the Upper Room but I was unsure. Because I would see them out of my peripheral vision and then I would look and there was nothing. So today as I was up there during the morning watch and during my watch. I realized that they are “watchman” angels and that they have a wall that they watch and protect. Most of the time when I see them they are walking but once I saw one kneeling/praying. Then I saw one out in the hallway.
Tonight at the DeepEnd
We were singing take me into the Holy of Holies and I had my hands raised and I felt the Lord just grab my hands and say “Are you ready?” And he just picked me up and brought me to the Holy of Holies/Heaven. I physically went down to the ground so not to fall. I then saw myself lying down in Heaven in the same position. Everything on me slowly turned white and I was now wearing a dress. I looked about 6/8 but I was a grownup. I slowly stood up and twirled about in my new skirt. Then I was standing on my Father’s feet and we were dancing. My head only came up to his waist and I couldn’t see His face. It was kind of like those old cartoons where God would be walking with man and His face would be in a cloud. Then He picked me up and gave me a huge hug. We were dancing on clouds. Then he asked if He could show me something and I said Yes. So He took me to a room and as we walked in and it was totally dark. Then these flashes of light would go shooting by. After being in there a while I saw this necklace coming at me and I realized that the Father was giving it to me. It was a necklace with 2 red stones, one on top of the other. I knew that they were diamonds and that they were red because of Yeshua’s blood. The Lord put it on me. Then we left that room. We walked and talked some more I don’t remember what about. Then he pushed me back to earth.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Chag Same'ach

Happy Holidays!! Israel just celebrated it's 59th anniversary of being a country. These pictures are a glimpse of what was going on outside my front door. Some are taken from the roof and some from the street. And this went on for blocks. They closed down the streets and partied all night.
(I can't get the pictures to load and I have to go. So I will try again later.)
My favorite place I went was a couple blocks down they were having traditional Israeli dancing. The kind where everyone stands in a circle and they all know the dance. The party started about 7pm, they didn't have the fireworks until 12:30am, and the bands didn't stop until 1:30/2am, and that doesn't mean the people left right away. The next day was amazing as well. The congregation I attend here had a picnic in the park and that was a blast. I got sunburned. Then I walked to the Russian compound with a friend and there was all sorts of singing and dancing and people dressed up from different time periods.
It really got me thinking of how we celebrate our freedom. I mean these people party like there is no tomorrow. And yet it is exactly that. They are happy for the little amount of freedom they have. And yet we have "real" freedom and we don't celebrate it that much. People were running around with Israeli flags around their necks like capes or around their waist like a skirt because they are that proud to be an Israeli. The patriotism is indescribable.
(I can't get the pictures to load and I have to go. So I will try again later.)
My favorite place I went was a couple blocks down they were having traditional Israeli dancing. The kind where everyone stands in a circle and they all know the dance. The party started about 7pm, they didn't have the fireworks until 12:30am, and the bands didn't stop until 1:30/2am, and that doesn't mean the people left right away. The next day was amazing as well. The congregation I attend here had a picnic in the park and that was a blast. I got sunburned. Then I walked to the Russian compound with a friend and there was all sorts of singing and dancing and people dressed up from different time periods.
It really got me thinking of how we celebrate our freedom. I mean these people party like there is no tomorrow. And yet it is exactly that. They are happy for the little amount of freedom they have. And yet we have "real" freedom and we don't celebrate it that much. People were running around with Israeli flags around their necks like capes or around their waist like a skirt because they are that proud to be an Israeli. The patriotism is indescribable.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The first Thursday I was here I went to the Prayer Tower in the evening. There was a prophetic sculpture on the floor. I don't remember what was in the middle but I know that there was blue fabric coming out of the middle as the River of Life. And as I was sitting there during the worship time we were singing something about the throne. Then I noticed that sitting on the middle fabric was the throne of the Lord and then I thought it was the Ark of the Covenant. Then I realized that they are the same. It was amazing. I didn't say anything because I didn't know if that was okay.
Then Monday morning after I talked to Hilda we were worshipping. We were singing something about the Lord coming down. We had the Israeli flag on the floor and we were asking the Lord to show himself to Israel. I was laying on the flag interceding when all of a sudden I felt something. I looked up and there were feet and I knew that Jesus was standing on the flag that we was there for His people. Now I still hadn't asked if it was okay to say the things that I see in the supernatural. So again I did not say anything.
Later that I was there for the Israel Prayer Watch. During this watch they pray for all the different ministries in Israel and for any prayer requests they have. We started with worship and the requests were sitting on a chair in the middle. And as we worshipped Hilda felt that we should hold the requests and we slowly started reading them. As this was going on I saw a huge angel standing in the middle with his sword drawn and his sword was a flaming sword. I was not sure why he was here but I this time I knew I need to share it. So I went to Donna, who was leading the watch, and told her. She said that when Hilda was done praying that I need to share that with the group. So I did. They were all excited and they felt that since he was there with his sword drawn that he was ready for action and that because the Word of the Lord is the sword that when we prayed for these requests that we need to find scripture to pray over them. After that I asked Hilda if it's okay to share what I see and she said yes of course. So I told her that I saw Jesus that morning and she was sad/mad that I didn't share it.
But I am excited to be at a place that is so willing and ready to know what is happening in the spiritual realm.
By the way. I talked with Hilda and she threw my right into the watches. She is having me start out with just join in on them. And she told me which ones are good to go to. Then she said I should come to the staff watch and she gave me one devotional watch of my own. During that watch, 2 hrs, I can do what I do and if people come just keep going. And near the end of the watch I can ask if they need prayer or anything. Then after about 2 weeks of that, we will look at doing more. And Hilda will be gone for about 2 weeks. SO when she comes back I might get to do more. So that is exciting. And I know I am using the word "exciting" alot but I am not sure what word would work better.
Then Monday morning after I talked to Hilda we were worshipping. We were singing something about the Lord coming down. We had the Israeli flag on the floor and we were asking the Lord to show himself to Israel. I was laying on the flag interceding when all of a sudden I felt something. I looked up and there were feet and I knew that Jesus was standing on the flag that we was there for His people. Now I still hadn't asked if it was okay to say the things that I see in the supernatural. So again I did not say anything.
Later that I was there for the Israel Prayer Watch. During this watch they pray for all the different ministries in Israel and for any prayer requests they have. We started with worship and the requests were sitting on a chair in the middle. And as we worshipped Hilda felt that we should hold the requests and we slowly started reading them. As this was going on I saw a huge angel standing in the middle with his sword drawn and his sword was a flaming sword. I was not sure why he was here but I this time I knew I need to share it. So I went to Donna, who was leading the watch, and told her. She said that when Hilda was done praying that I need to share that with the group. So I did. They were all excited and they felt that since he was there with his sword drawn that he was ready for action and that because the Word of the Lord is the sword that when we prayed for these requests that we need to find scripture to pray over them. After that I asked Hilda if it's okay to share what I see and she said yes of course. So I told her that I saw Jesus that morning and she was sad/mad that I didn't share it.
But I am excited to be at a place that is so willing and ready to know what is happening in the spiritual realm.
By the way. I talked with Hilda and she threw my right into the watches. She is having me start out with just join in on them. And she told me which ones are good to go to. Then she said I should come to the staff watch and she gave me one devotional watch of my own. During that watch, 2 hrs, I can do what I do and if people come just keep going. And near the end of the watch I can ask if they need prayer or anything. Then after about 2 weeks of that, we will look at doing more. And Hilda will be gone for about 2 weeks. SO when she comes back I might get to do more. So that is exciting. And I know I am using the word "exciting" alot but I am not sure what word would work better.
Monday, April 23, 2007

Well, all sorts of exciting things are happening. I will share tomorrow what has been going on spiritually. In fact I will write it tonight to post tomorrow.
But for now I thought I would tell you about life. I am staying in the Jerusalem Hostel and I am pretty sure that is where I am going to stay. The price is right around the price I would pay for a good rent and the location of the Hostel cannot be beat. Not only is the location great but there are a few people who live or are staying in the Hostel longer term and that makes it kind of like a family. They are beginning to know me and I them and I know if I need anything or if anything goes wrong I can turn to them. Not that my friends from church I can't, it's more of home sick there is someone to help, or things like that. Plus it gives me someone to talk to during the day.
By being here I can share the Lord with them by the way I act. Some people have already commented about how I am one of the nicest christians they have met. Or that I seem normal. So I know I can be a good influence here. Where the apartments I was looking at would be with Christians. So I know this is where the Lord wants me right now.
Here are some pictures of "my house". One is my bedroom, which I share with up to 7 other girls. One is the community kichten and the other is reception. Which is where I am sitting writing this.
But for now I thought I would tell you about life. I am staying in the Jerusalem Hostel and I am pretty sure that is where I am going to stay. The price is right around the price I would pay for a good rent and the location of the Hostel cannot be beat. Not only is the location great but there are a few people who live or are staying in the Hostel longer term and that makes it kind of like a family. They are beginning to know me and I them and I know if I need anything or if anything goes wrong I can turn to them. Not that my friends from church I can't, it's more of home sick there is someone to help, or things like that. Plus it gives me someone to talk to during the day.
By being here I can share the Lord with them by the way I act. Some people have already commented about how I am one of the nicest christians they have met. Or that I seem normal. So I know I can be a good influence here. Where the apartments I was looking at would be with Christians. So I know this is where the Lord wants me right now.
Here are some pictures of "my house". One is my bedroom, which I share with up to 7 other girls. One is the community kichten and the other is reception. Which is where I am sitting writing this.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
So I have had a hard few days. So yesterday there was a night watch at the Prayer Tower. Now it hadn't been announced on Sunday, but the person who did the announcements said, he will do a bad job and that we should read the bulletin. So I went, now on Fridays it is Shabbot and everything is closed so a night watch on Friday starting at 10 means the building is closed so I am always nervous about going. So I get the courage to go and I stand outside for about 3mins then I see a car pull up so I figure that there really is a night watch. SO I go and ask the security guard and he lets me in. I get up to the Prayer Tower and there is Hilda and Donna!!!! Hilda is excited to see me and so was Donna. Now no one else was there and I was a little early so I told Hilda that I wanted to volunteer there and she was very excited and I am meeting with her on Sunday at 2pm. Then the watch started and it was just the three of us. I think that was neat the way that happened. Then later on there were 7 girls and 3 guys. The number of people was pretty good. Then half way through all the guys left so 7 girls finished out the night and I think that all those numbers are important. God is very good and faithful.
Friday, April 20, 2007
So God is good. Sometimes it just seems harder to notice. As I talked to my mom today, I realized alot of the things that the Lord has given me. The Lord has given me favor, He has given me mothers and fathers when I need them, He as given me a place to live, and He has given me friends. Just to share a few...
Last Sunday after church a husband and his wife invited Jacky and myself out for dinner. The husband asked why I was here and where I was staying. Then later in the evening he was telling me that if he and his wife stay in the country that he would like to rent an apartment in the center of the city for people like me. For people whom God has called to the area. This place would be a minimal cost but it would be available for people. Then he said if his son hadn't just gotten his room to himself. HE would kick his son out of his room and let me stay there while his son sleeps on the couch. I know nothing physical came out of that night, other than supper, but there was just this sense of favor and that there are people in this city and I can lean on when I need help.
Yesterday, was a hard day. I had some disappointments occur. Now what occurred was God and was or will be good, it is simply hard at the time. So I went to Succot Hallel and worshipped and listened to a man who is connected in ministry with Heidi Baker. It was fun to be around a group of people who were manifesting in the Holy Spirit. (I'll tell you a story from that later on.) Then I went back to the Hostel late. I didn't feel like going to bed because I was still feeling sad. So I went into the kitchen and there was a lady and her son packing some things up to ship home. She asked me how I was and I said not good. She asked why and I told her. And she became a good substitute mother. She tried to make me feel better and invited me to join her and her son the next day. I helped them pack and then went to bed. Now my bed faces the bathroom and when the light is on it shines in my face. So when she came in she put her towel on the bed in front of me so that the light would not shine in my eyes. Then this morning she asked how I was and I said not so good. She then gave me a bottle of water and she said that the water in the bottle was from so river by some Pharaoh and that you are to dump it on your head and you will be blessed and she gave it to me. Now not that I believe that this water will bless me I do know that for the time I needed it the Lord gave me a mother to try to physically make me feel better.
There are the 2 examples of the Lord being good that I can type easily. You can stop reading now or you can hear the story from Succot Hallel.
So at Succot Hallel we worshipped for about an hour and a half and then the man got up to speak. He didn't really speak as much as speak the father heart for that time. So a bunch of things happened and people were getting blessed and I was cheering up. Then he talked alittle about having a vision from the Lord. That we need a vision. Then he asked for those people who had never received a vision from the Lord to raise their hands so he could pray for them. Now there were about 75 people there. No one raised their hand. He asked so you all have had a vision and we all nodded or said yes. Then he asked well who would like more visions and everyone raised their hand. So he invited us up and he prayed for all of us. It was just incredible to be around a group of people like that. So there's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Last Sunday after church a husband and his wife invited Jacky and myself out for dinner. The husband asked why I was here and where I was staying. Then later in the evening he was telling me that if he and his wife stay in the country that he would like to rent an apartment in the center of the city for people like me. For people whom God has called to the area. This place would be a minimal cost but it would be available for people. Then he said if his son hadn't just gotten his room to himself. HE would kick his son out of his room and let me stay there while his son sleeps on the couch. I know nothing physical came out of that night, other than supper, but there was just this sense of favor and that there are people in this city and I can lean on when I need help.
Yesterday, was a hard day. I had some disappointments occur. Now what occurred was God and was or will be good, it is simply hard at the time. So I went to Succot Hallel and worshipped and listened to a man who is connected in ministry with Heidi Baker. It was fun to be around a group of people who were manifesting in the Holy Spirit. (I'll tell you a story from that later on.) Then I went back to the Hostel late. I didn't feel like going to bed because I was still feeling sad. So I went into the kitchen and there was a lady and her son packing some things up to ship home. She asked me how I was and I said not good. She asked why and I told her. And she became a good substitute mother. She tried to make me feel better and invited me to join her and her son the next day. I helped them pack and then went to bed. Now my bed faces the bathroom and when the light is on it shines in my face. So when she came in she put her towel on the bed in front of me so that the light would not shine in my eyes. Then this morning she asked how I was and I said not so good. She then gave me a bottle of water and she said that the water in the bottle was from so river by some Pharaoh and that you are to dump it on your head and you will be blessed and she gave it to me. Now not that I believe that this water will bless me I do know that for the time I needed it the Lord gave me a mother to try to physically make me feel better.
There are the 2 examples of the Lord being good that I can type easily. You can stop reading now or you can hear the story from Succot Hallel.
So at Succot Hallel we worshipped for about an hour and a half and then the man got up to speak. He didn't really speak as much as speak the father heart for that time. So a bunch of things happened and people were getting blessed and I was cheering up. Then he talked alittle about having a vision from the Lord. That we need a vision. Then he asked for those people who had never received a vision from the Lord to raise their hands so he could pray for them. Now there were about 75 people there. No one raised their hand. He asked so you all have had a vision and we all nodded or said yes. Then he asked well who would like more visions and everyone raised their hand. So he invited us up and he prayed for all of us. It was just incredible to be around a group of people like that. So there's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The other day I went to a bible study lead by a Jewish Rabbi. It was amazing the insight that he can give on the Old Testament. The neat thing is that he is a very understanding Jew. He doesn't believe in Yeshua but he is willing to work with the Christians because he can see that what they are trying to do is good. The other amazing thing is both he and his wife survived the Holocaust. (We just had a day of remembrance for the Holocaust.) And the stories that he shared just crushed me. And the peace that he has. For him the Holocaust was not that bad he was here in Israel I think and he has forgiven the Germans. But his wife, who was only five at the time, she jumps every time she hears a dog bark. She can't be around people speaking German. It just broke me. And her story of surviving is amazing. I think he said her mom was bring her and her siblings, ages 1, 2, and 5, they came to the border of Switzerland and there was a guard and he would not let them cross. The guard was smoking and he could not get it to light, so he called another guard over and said don't let anyone through. And the new guard let the family through. Later the guard was court marshaled but the family testified for him and he was released. Isn't that God.
The other crazy thing is that right after I am suppose to leave there will be The ONE Thing conference here in Jerusalem. So, yes, I am changing me ticket so I can go. Because people like Heidi Baker, Lou Engle, the Merchant Band will be here in Jerusalem and I wouldn't miss that for the world. Not to mention that I think this is suppose to be like the CALL Nashville for this area and it is right before the CALL. And so last night I was at Succot Hallel, who is hosting the conference, and Israel is celebrating it's independence this weekend so there was a youth group there dancing and singing for the Lord. Then there was a time of prayer for the youth of the nation and then silver trumpets were blown in the direction of Ramat Rachel (where the conference will be). Then it went into a "normal" time of worship. I was trying to worship the way I do and the presence of the Lord just fell on me. I was sitting there shaking and I saw tons of angels just "hovering" over the room. And I thought well that isn't new. This place I would say pretty much has an open heaven. So I kept asking the Lord why it I was seeing these angel and what they were doing. Then I thought of Jacob and the ladder with the angels ascending and descending and I realized that these angels were not just staying over Succot Hallel they were going somewhere and coming back and going and coming back. That is when the Lord revealed that as we were worshipping the angels were going to Ramat Rachel and preparing it and coming back to get more to prepare the way. Then I felt the need to tell the director of Succot Hallel, Rick Riding. Because earlier he had asked for prayer for the conference because they are beginning to run into opposition, this is also how I knew who to talk to. So I tested whether that was the Lord or not. Then I said "Lord well if this is You bring him to me." Then I felt my heart pounding, which I know what that means and the Lord said, "Step out of your comfort zone and go to him." So I went and introduced myself and told him that I saw angels going for here to Ramat Rachel as we worshipped. And he said to prepare the way. I think he was excited to hear that. So last night was a good night.
The other crazy thing is that right after I am suppose to leave there will be The ONE Thing conference here in Jerusalem. So, yes, I am changing me ticket so I can go. Because people like Heidi Baker, Lou Engle, the Merchant Band will be here in Jerusalem and I wouldn't miss that for the world. Not to mention that I think this is suppose to be like the CALL Nashville for this area and it is right before the CALL. And so last night I was at Succot Hallel, who is hosting the conference, and Israel is celebrating it's independence this weekend so there was a youth group there dancing and singing for the Lord. Then there was a time of prayer for the youth of the nation and then silver trumpets were blown in the direction of Ramat Rachel (where the conference will be). Then it went into a "normal" time of worship. I was trying to worship the way I do and the presence of the Lord just fell on me. I was sitting there shaking and I saw tons of angels just "hovering" over the room. And I thought well that isn't new. This place I would say pretty much has an open heaven. So I kept asking the Lord why it I was seeing these angel and what they were doing. Then I thought of Jacob and the ladder with the angels ascending and descending and I realized that these angels were not just staying over Succot Hallel they were going somewhere and coming back and going and coming back. That is when the Lord revealed that as we were worshipping the angels were going to Ramat Rachel and preparing it and coming back to get more to prepare the way. Then I felt the need to tell the director of Succot Hallel, Rick Riding. Because earlier he had asked for prayer for the conference because they are beginning to run into opposition, this is also how I knew who to talk to. So I tested whether that was the Lord or not. Then I said "Lord well if this is You bring him to me." Then I felt my heart pounding, which I know what that means and the Lord said, "Step out of your comfort zone and go to him." So I went and introduced myself and told him that I saw angels going for here to Ramat Rachel as we worshipped. And he said to prepare the way. I think he was excited to hear that. So last night was a good night.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Changing Again
Well, not much is going on here. I have moved yet again. I am now in a dorm style room. So charging my laptop will not be as easy. It is also a smaller bed and more people. But it is in my price range. I am still waiting for Hilda to get back so I can talk to her about volunteering at the Prayer Tower. But I have been going to the Prayer Tower in the mornings and Succat Hallel during some afternoons and one of the two during the evenings. At the Hostel I am also meeting all sorts of different people. I actually have gotten to know group of guys who speak Spanish. It is different. Last time I was here I was thinking in SPanish and this time I was thinking in the little bit of Hebrew that I know and now I am having to try to think in Spanish. It's all very interesting.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Just The Way You Are
It's been a hard couple of days. What with trying to find a place to live and then moving into the Hostel. Which by the way is great because it is a real bed. Please continue to pray for a place for me to live because I can't stay at the Hostel forever.
Last night I went to Succat Hallel, a 24/7 House of Prayer, and worshipped. It was a good time. I haven't had the space or the music to worship like that in a while. And there was a time of intimacy and one of the things the Lord said to me at that time was "I love you just the way you are. Don't try to be someone else." And surprise suprise my spirit was lifted. I went on to have an amazing night. Then this morning at the Prayer Tower was gret aswell. The Lord is moving and it's fun to be in His presence.
Last night I went to Succat Hallel, a 24/7 House of Prayer, and worshipped. It was a good time. I haven't had the space or the music to worship like that in a while. And there was a time of intimacy and one of the things the Lord said to me at that time was "I love you just the way you are. Don't try to be someone else." And surprise suprise my spirit was lifted. I went on to have an amazing night. Then this morning at the Prayer Tower was gret aswell. The Lord is moving and it's fun to be in His presence.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Today I move into the Jerusalem Hostel. It should be good. I figure that since I tried to get ahold of the only place open in JErusalem for a month before I came and it is now taken that God has something better for me. I don't know what it is or where, but I am calling it in. I want a place to call my own.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Faith: Trust
Many of us claim to trust God. We have faith and trust for the everyday sorta things. But do we really know how to trust God? Are we really ready to trust Him with everything?
Let's see....
You hear God's call. You know you are to go to another country. You have enough money or can save enough in time. You speak the language. You know people there. You have a place you can stay at. Trusting God is very easy at this level. What do you need to trust God for. (Now I understand that God probably provided all these things, because He is a good God.)
But what happens when those things aren't there. You know you are called and that you have to leave but you don't have all that. Can you still trust God, do you still have faith? This time you don't speak the langauge. English is the second langauge and about half the people speak it but it's not the main language. Can you still trust God? Now you don't have the money but God is slowly bringing it in. You're suppose to be there for 3 months and you only have enough for 1 and a half. Do you trust that God will still provide? Now you don't have a place to stay. There are places where you can stay but not permanently. Or you can pay but then you only have enough money for a month.
Now is He still God? Did He still call you to go? Now is when trusting God is/seems hard. Because now you have nothing to rely on but God. Now is when you have to remind yourself and the devil that you were called by God and that you are walking in obedience and that God will take care of you. But let me tell you that is easier said then done. Because satan wants to come in and say, maybe you came at the wrong time, you call her soon enough, you're no good, why did you come. And remembering each time to stop that voice before you let it in can seem tiring. But you just have to recognize it and tell satan he is a liar and continue to trust God.
That reminds me of what the Pastor said on Sunday. Jesus died for all of the worlds sin. And yet ALL the worlds sin could not keep Jesus in the grave. So why am I letting that sin/thought keep me down in grave close. So I will walk with my head held high, even though I don't speak the language, I don't have all the money I need, and even though I have not permanent place to rest my head. Because if my God can rise from the dead He can find me a place to live.
Let's see....
You hear God's call. You know you are to go to another country. You have enough money or can save enough in time. You speak the language. You know people there. You have a place you can stay at. Trusting God is very easy at this level. What do you need to trust God for. (Now I understand that God probably provided all these things, because He is a good God.)
But what happens when those things aren't there. You know you are called and that you have to leave but you don't have all that. Can you still trust God, do you still have faith? This time you don't speak the langauge. English is the second langauge and about half the people speak it but it's not the main language. Can you still trust God? Now you don't have the money but God is slowly bringing it in. You're suppose to be there for 3 months and you only have enough for 1 and a half. Do you trust that God will still provide? Now you don't have a place to stay. There are places where you can stay but not permanently. Or you can pay but then you only have enough money for a month.
Now is He still God? Did He still call you to go? Now is when trusting God is/seems hard. Because now you have nothing to rely on but God. Now is when you have to remind yourself and the devil that you were called by God and that you are walking in obedience and that God will take care of you. But let me tell you that is easier said then done. Because satan wants to come in and say, maybe you came at the wrong time, you call her soon enough, you're no good, why did you come. And remembering each time to stop that voice before you let it in can seem tiring. But you just have to recognize it and tell satan he is a liar and continue to trust God.
That reminds me of what the Pastor said on Sunday. Jesus died for all of the worlds sin. And yet ALL the worlds sin could not keep Jesus in the grave. So why am I letting that sin/thought keep me down in grave close. So I will walk with my head held high, even though I don't speak the language, I don't have all the money I need, and even though I have not permanent place to rest my head. Because if my God can rise from the dead He can find me a place to live.
I am now in Jerusalem. Right now I am staying with my old roommate, Marie. However, in a day I will be moving out and living in the Jerusalem Hostel. Not having a real place to call my own is hard. I haven't unpacked, so I can't find what clothes I want to wear easily and things are just not very accessible. But I know God will provide.
This morning I went to the Prayer Tower for the morning watch and it was great. There was just a total peace up there. It was a wonderful time of spontaneous worship. Now I just don't know what to do with the rest of my day.
This morning I went to the Prayer Tower for the morning watch and it was great. There was just a total peace up there. It was a wonderful time of spontaneous worship. Now I just don't know what to do with the rest of my day.
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