Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So, I thought I should drop a little note letting you all know that I am back in the United States. This was not a planned trip, my Uncle Rich passed away in an automobile accident 2 Saturdays ago. So I flew home Tues the 25th. It was very good to be here. The whole family, except for 4 people, made it out to be with my Aunt. It is a hard time, but I know the Lord has His hand in it. So I will try to keep my blog up to date and maybe share things I never got to sharing. I love you all.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hey, sorry it has been so long. My mom flew out about two weeks ago and the whole first week was taken up with stuff for my friends wedding. And then I was trying to show my mom some of Israel before everything shut down. See last night was the beginning of Rosh Hoshana, and it lasts two days, and EVERYTHING closes for those days. Then when that ends Shabbot begins so from mid day Wed until Sat evening everything (for the most part) is closed. So Shano Tov Ah (think that is spelled correctly), Happy New Year.

But I have been having a blast with my mom out here. I don't want to see her leave in three days, but I guess that is part of life.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Shabbot Shalom

Sorry that it has taken me this long to write about what happened on Sunday. Which I will do but I figured that I should start with today. Today, has been a horribly (good) productive day. Now it surprised me because last night I got to bed the latest that I have in a month and woke up the earliest that I have in a few weeks. I had breakfast with my flat mate. Then I ran errands, for myself, Bethany, and Andre. I got home made Jello for dinner, swept the floor mopped the floor and then got ready for dinner. I had a wonderful Shabbot dinner with Bethany and Michael and then we watched a movie. And then Bethany and I sat up until 1 talking about life and things that need to get done this week. So for me and maybe any normal person, a very productive day.

The rest of the week has been good. But nothing really special. I did throw Bethany's Bridal Shower on Wednesday and it was a huge success. And I am very glad it's over.

So on to Sunday. Sunday is my first night watch of the week and this time some friends came to join me. It was quiet at first just music and waiting in the presence of the Lord. But later I started to see things in the spirit. It started for me as areas of color. So the first one I saw I crawled over to and laid in and then my friend made a comment that I was in a "portal". I am not entirely sure how to explain them, but as far as I know it is a place where Heaven is meeting earth and the Lord is giving something specific, but you don't always know what the specific thing is. Then I saw a few other portals, that my friends went to. Then I decided to share that there was an angel in the room and one of the guys said I had been praying for that. At that time I realized that the angel was what was opening the portals. So I decided I wanted to know where the angel was standing, since I didn't know where he was I just knew he was there. So as I was feeling in the spirit I found a door. It was kinda funny because I was walking and then was just stopped in the physical there was nothing there. But I felt it was a door and then in the spirit I could see written above it was the Hebrew word shir, which is song. Know I liked that it was in Hebrew because for me that meant I wasn't just thinking something. Because I told the guys what letters I saw and then they "read" it and I just happen to know that word in Hebrew. So I know it was the Lord and not me. Back to the door. I also knew I was not to go through the door. So one of the guys who is a musician went through and the Lord just gave him words. Things for him, things for other musicians. It was an amazing night.

Then that night when I got to bed I had a dream for someone at home. And then before I went in for my watch the following morning I stopped by the friends house who had joined me the night before and the Lord just ministered to me and gave me a word. So Sunday was a good day.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!

Sorry, that nothing was posted all week. But it really truly was a fairly boring week. I did the night watches my three days and they were great. The rest of the nights I stayed up that late as well. So I slept in all week and didn't get much done turning the days. That was pretty much my week. I hoping that this week I can get a few more things accomplished.

But tonight was great. The Lord really met with us up there tonight. I will share the rest tomorrow, right now I need to go to sleep. (So I can get up and do things tomorrow).

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Wow, my first Night Watch is done and it was great. The time just flew by. I have never had a watch go by so quickly and this was a three hour watch as apposed to the normal two hour watches I do. So God was good. As I wrote in the journal at the Prayer Tower it was just a time of sweet worship.

However, it did start a little rocky. Was I was in our part of the building I found out I was locked out of the prayer room. Fortunately I was able to get into Hilda's office and start making phone calls. I called Chanelle, even though I didn't want to, she has the watch right after mine so she should have been in the middle of her night sleep, but she told me to call if I needed anything. But she kept hanging up on my, probably because it was the middle of the night sleep for her. So fortunately in Hilda's office since she is gone she left us a binder and in that binder is every one's phone numbers. So I thought who has keys to the Prayer Tower and who would be up at midnight, ahh, Stephan. He is our janitor/worshipper, so I gave him a call and he was up and across the street so he came over and let me in. From then on it was smooth sailing.

But now I must sleep. G'Night

Saturday, August 11, 2007


God is so good. This is something that not everyone will understand but to me it was special. As many of you know, when I arrived in Jerusalem I really felt that I was suppose to stay at the Hostel. And that was wonderful blessing, I made many friends there. Some of whom left already and some of whom are living here. Since the beginning of July I haven't really seen these people. But within the last week I have just run into most of them. I saw Daniel last week and as I was meeting him I saw MarieAnn. Then when I went to meet him again I saw Meital. Then when we were out talking he told me about Baruch's Birthday. So I was able to see Baruch and Lee and Aaron. Then today I went to the Hostel to pick on Daniel, since he is leaving this week, I saw Gertrude and said hi. But then the funny one, I was walking up the street from there and some guy behind me was making noise and comments. I avoid those types of people. Then finally he made enough racket that I turned and saw that it was Gabby. He worked at the Hostel while I was staying there. So we walked a little bit and talked. But it was just amazing that the Lord would have me run into all these people that I don't see on a daily basis anymore. It really truly meant a lot to me.

(Color is fun. I really want to us this color can you read this? but I know that is a hard color to see. So I will have fun picking a different color each time.)

So today is Shabbot and last night I went to my friend Nicol's house. We weren't planning on having Shabbot dinner but we ended up having it. It was great we had American (well as American as you can get in Israel) Taco Salad. It was delicious. Plus I than found out where to get Cheddar Cheese out here. But we simply spent the night at her place hanging out. There were about 6 of us girls. We ate, talked, on girl felt like doing every one's hair, Nicol felt like doing feet. We watched a movie or two. It was just an amazing time of fellowship. Especially, because with this group there is generally always a sensitivity to what the Spirit is doing, so even though we were just chilling it was refreshing to body and spirit. Plus, I was surrounded by people which I haven't been since I left the Hostel.

On a fun and exciting note. I start the Night Watch tonight. Love you all and miss you.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Well, it has been a fairly slow week. Since I told Hilda that I would be doing the Night Watches I haven't been able to sleep well. I am falling asleep in the early morning hours and sleeping until the afternoon, which puts a damper on getting things done during the day.

Wednesday was a good day. Bethany and I had a great watch at Succot Hallel. The time just flew by. And it was all new songs and scripture until about the last half hour. Which to me is amazing. Especially since I am the prayer/scripture leader. I don't really know the scriptures well. So God is just telling me where to go and find the verses to read. And Bethany and I are beginning to flow together really well.

Tonight, I just got back from a friends birthday party. It is amazing to think of how many people the Lord has brought into my life here. It was a blast because his mom is in town to see him so I was able to meet her.
Baruch and his mom

Which reminds me, last week. I went with a friend to hear a good friend of his sing. And I was able to meet his Grandma. She had arrived the day I left for Turkey and then they were out of town when I got back. So that was fun.
Daniel and his Grandma
Earlier today I was out with Bethany on Ben Yehuda, a big shopping section of town. And just to share how small and friendly Jerusalem is, on Monday, we had been waiting for a bus and were talking to another gal waiting for the bus. And then to day we saw her walking on Ben Yehuda and were able to ask her if she got to where she was going. And it's just amazing on how that happened. And how it was just normal like seeing a friend.
My last randomness I promise. My favorite song right now is Skillet's Will You Be There. My two favorite parts are... well here is the song... bold are my favorites..
As I fall to sleep Will You comfort me?
When my heart is weak Will You rescue me?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When Im falling down?
Will You be there?
When I''m in retreat,Can I run to You?
Will my pain release At Your mercy seat?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Will You be there?My heart grows cold.
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Are You saying so?Oh, I gotta believe it.
Are You saying yeah?
When Your love comes down,I can rest my eyes.
Feel Your grace and power Flood into my life.
As my brokenness And Your strength collide,
When Your love comes down,
Falling down.
As I fall to sleepAs I fall to sleep
Will you be thereAs I grow cold?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!

Well, I am almost caught up. Last Sunday, was an amazing day. I was at congregation and worship started and by the end of the first song the Spirit of the Lord had fallen and just filled the room. We, sang maybe two or three more songs. In between the songs the worship leader asked us all to get on our knees before the Lord and just wait there. It was amazing, everyone, even the musicians all got on their knees and there was probably 10-15 mins of silence in the presence of the Lord. Then the pastor shared his message and service ended late. It was an awesome time with the Lord. I actually still need to go back and listen to the sermon online because the Lord was dealing with my heart during that time. And I want to hear what Wayne said since everyone said it was good. Then after service I went up stairs to the Prayer Tower and had a healing teams ministry meeting. We will be starting in Sept. a Healing Rooms type thing on Sundays after service and I am on the team. So that was all exciting.

Than this Sunday, I talked to Hilda this afternoon and I told her that I feel called/lead by the Lord to do the night watch 12-3 three nights a week. And she was ecstatic. So starting this weekend I will be doing/completing the night watches on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (technically, so it's the morning of those days). So that is exciting, we will know be close to 24 hours a day for three days.

Nothing else has really happened, other than the Lord providing what is needed. Ohh ohh, you have to hear this story. Two Shabbots ago, a group of my friends had all gotten together for Shabbot dinner. They were going to have chicken, so a few of them went to the Shuk to get the chicken. They got two packages and the guy said that there are 8 in each package and they knew the house they were at had a couple pieces, but they also knew they would still be short some. So when they got home they counted and they had 21 pieces. Then they started washing and breading them. My friend noticed that there seemed to be a lot of chicken. So when they were done washing and breading it they counted and they know had 38 pieces of chicken. They were amazed and praised the Lord. But then as they cooked the chicken instead of it shrinking as it cooked the chicken began to swell. The chicken got bigger as it cooked. So my friends had multiplying chicken for Shabbot dinner. The Lord is so good.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

To swim where Jesus walked

You know it took me two three weeks to finally understand that phrase, "you can swim where Jesus walked." I thought that the lake had just expanded past the shores of Jesus's time. I didn't think Bible stories. So anyways, on Saturday the congregation that I attend took a trip up to the Galilee to go swimming for the day. It was a blast.

The views on the drive up there where beautiful. And I had a good conversation with the guy I was sitting next to. I could just tell that the Galilee area was a more peaceful than Jerusalem. There was just something about being there that was refreshing. Even though I didn't see any sights, I felt like I met with the Lord, again even though I didn't take any time out for that.

Once the bus arrived at the beach, I hopped out and went swimming until lunch was ready and then hopped back in until we had to leave. So I didn't get around to taking an pictures other than the ones from the bus. While I was swimming I felt something touch/rub up against my leg. It felt fairly big and I freaked out a bit. I don't like anything touching me in the water, not sea weed or fish, nothing it's just not right. So I had been standing next to Michael and Bethany and the next thing I knew was that I was next to Bethany in Michael's arms floating on the water. It took me about 5 mins to be able to put my feet back in the water. Later, when I was getting cleaned to get back on the bus a guy from the congregation asked if it was me who said I felt something rub up against me. I said yes, and he said it was probably Peter's fish, they like to nibble or rub up against things. I was glad I heard that AFTER I got out of the water. I believe I was told that the area we were at is across the lake from where Jesus drove the evil spirits out of the man and into the pigs.
Enjoy the pictures!!

The hills of Jordan.

The Jordan River is right next to the road you see.

Here is the Sea of Galilee or Lake Kennert, looking to the west.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Watchman, watchman what do you see?

Long time no write. Sorry, I think about writing and than I never get around to it. That is partly to do with the fact that I wake up and go straight to the Prayer Tower and than hang out with friends until late and then go to bed and start the cycle all over the next day. But I will try to get better at it.

So, I think about 2 weeks ago I moved into my new place. It is very nice to have a room to myself. I like the quietness, but I find sometimes I get bored or lonely. But the first Sunday I was here I swept the floor and there was this monstrous pile of dog hair.

So a week ago Wednesday was amazing. I had a watch at the Prayer Tower and then I went to join Bethany for a watch at Succot Hallel. It is an Aaliyah watch, to call forth the Jewish people to come back to the land of Israel, and I am her prayer leader. So I look up and read scriptures about the Jewish people returning and than pray into it. Well, it was amazing. I simply started with my Bible open to Isaiah and then flipped page by page and the Lord revealed amazing scriptures all the way through the prophets that were amazing and I had no idea were there. And as I would speak them and I would tend to read the whole chapter rather then just a verse or two and then Bethany would sing it. New songs just came out and were beautiful.

Later that night was the Jerusalem Praise Experience and Bethany and I were asked to help direct traffic. So we went to the Pavilion and got our free t-shirts and we went and stood at our posts. I was out on Aggripas St. I was standing there and there was about a foot ledge in front of me. I started thinking, I am out here watching for people to direct them to the Pavilion and there is this little wall in front of me, I'm a watchman on the wall. And this thought came to mind and this is a physical version of what I am doing spiritually. (Since then the Lord has been speaking watchman to me. Including my favorite song right now Let the Fire Burn.)The Praise Experience was amazing. It is very strange to think, this is the third one I have been to and the program of songs hasn't changed and yet each time the spirit falls in that place. In fact I think the anointing gets heavier each time. So it was a great time of worship and then I headed up to the Prayer Tower to direct people again.

Then I went home and talked with mom. I was excited to talk to her because our friends, pastors from Mexico were going to be there and I haven't talked to them or seen them in almost a year. So David and Julia come and sit down and David comes over on crutches. Apparently, it was the second attack on his foot in 2 days. So we sat and talked and then they wanted to let me talk to my mom. But someone asked if I wanted to pray for David's foot, I said sure. I prayed it seemed like a short disjointed prayer and then they prayed for me and then mom and I started to talk. Then in the background I could see him walking without his crutches. He said as I prayed he could feel something happening in his leg. Then they told me that he hasn't been able to touch it to the ground because of the pain or to let his wife touch it hurt too much. And he was now walking on it. The Lord healed his leg. And when he went home he packed the crutches in the trunk. God is so good.

Well, there is more to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Covenant

I moved into my new apartment on Sunday, yay! So I now have my own QUIET room. So will tell you all about that tomorrow.

God is good all the time. There is/was a huge convention going on in Jerusalem. It is the Foursquare 2007 Convention. I heard about it because my friend was singing in the Tommy Walker choir. So yesterday I thought I would go, so I could hear Tommy Walker and Jack Hayford. Well, I got up there to register and they said it was full and it would cost me $175 dollars for the whole thing. So I went home. That helped make my decision about Tuesday night. Because Tuesday night, today, at the Convention was the last performance of the play The Covenant forever or a season.ICEJ: The Covenant And I wanted to go but I also had my watch to be at. So since it was filled up I didn't have to worry about asking permission. So today I slept in because I wasn't feeling the best. I got up in time to get to my staff meeting and than after the staff meeting was my watching. During the staff meeting the convention was mentioned, since Hilda was there*. So I brought up that it's full and the play. And we moved on with the meeting. At the end of the meeting Hilda leaves and comes back and she slides on the table to me her badge to the conference and says, "go, I'll take your watch". So I got to see the last show of the play and see it for free. And it was amazing. It is simply the story of God's covenant with His people from Abraham to the birth of Israel. And it's a musical. It was fantastic. I am very thankful that I got to go and see it.

*Today is the ninth of Ov. It is the day when both Jewish Temples were destroyed. It is the day the Ferdinand and Queen Isabella sign something kicking out or killing the Jews in Spain. It is the day when the first Jews were taken to concentration camps and killed. It is not a happy day in the Jewish calendar. In fact many stores were closed in remembrance. So, today Hilda was at the convention and she turned around during a time of singing "Hallelujah" and she said to look out and see 3000 believers worshipping on that day in Jerusalem was just amazing.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Istanbul is Constantanople

Yes, yes I know I was in Antalya not Istanbul. Well, to let you know how the rest of my trip was, let me say not fun. I was scheduled to fly home on Fri. Thursday after dinner I went back up to my room and found my door open and my lights on. To make a long story short and painless for me, my wallet was stolen. I had kept it in my laptop bag for safety while I was swimming in the pool. Somehow someone go into my room. So Thursday night I spent with the receptionist and police officers. Then Friday I woke up early and was getting no where in trying to call people. Finally, my mom called the US Consulate in Adana and they started calling around. I hopped a flight from Antalya to Istanbul and then went to the Consulate there. They were staying open late for me. They issued me an emergency passport and helped me book a flight from Istanbul to Tel Aviv. They were even nice enough to give me money for a taxi to the airport since with all the traveling I ran out of the money I had on hand. So that all put kind of a damper on my vacation to Turkey. Unless the Lord specifically says to go back I probably will not go back to Turkey.

When I was trying to enjoy my taxi ride to the Consulate I did notice that by the water Istanbul was beautiful. It is a true port city. It has ships and boats all over the coast land. I wished I had had my camera on me but I had packed it to keep the amount of things on my person to a minimum. So that is my "excitement" for the trip. I promise.

Home Sweet Home

Short but sweet post. I am back "home" in Jerusalem. I am very glad to be home. I had quite the trip. I need to go to bed so I will write that later. Just thought I would let you'all know I am home safe and sound.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


So here are a bunch of things that don't go together but I figure you should and or want to know, hence the randomness.

First, I should tell you what got me through all the security and all the visas and sort. My original flight had been cancelled and I had been put on the flight for the next day, which meant that I was able to go to church. In church we sang one of mine and Bethany's, a very good friend in the city, favorite songs. I have no idea what the title is. But since I had been to church this song was stuck in my head AND I knew what the chorus meant, since that is the only part of the song which I can sing. So standing in line at security, in line for my ticket, second security, and in Turkey unsure about a visa this song was going through my head... Kom tov chasdecha Adonia Elhi, Elohe Yishi, Elohe Yishi. Which I believe means, Your grace covers me, God of my salvation, God of my salvation. So what a wonderful song to sing when going through security.

One exciting thing, since it was so hard to get this trip planned I knew that God had ordained where to go. I discovered I think on Tuesday that Antalya, where I am, is one of the cites that Paul and Barnabas. It is mentioned in Acts 14:25 "Now when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia." NKJV And my mom said that this is the original name and that through the years it has become Antalya. So it is fun to be in a place where Paul was.

Today, since I missed breakfast I figured that I would head down to McDonald's for lunch. Since I found the restaurant yesterday. So I was sorta surprised to find that Turkey McDonald's pretty much tastes like American McDonald's. This is one of things that I enjoy doing when in foreign countries. If they have McDonald's I like going at least once, just to see/taste the difference.

I added a new map to my blog. I found it on a friend of a friends website. I thought it looked really cool to be able to track where I have visited and for it to tell me the percentage of the countries that I have been to. So if you want go ahead and make your own, just click on it and it will take you to their website. It is one of the few places I have join, but I thought that map was worth it. So enjoy!!

Please continue to prayer for a smooth re-entry into Israel. I praying that they won't pay any attention to my last visa and that they will do the same as when I entered in April. She took my passport stamped it and handed it back to me, not a word was said, no questions were asked. So that is what I am believing for.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Mountians in Antalya, the Sea is just to the left out of the picture.
City Center of Antalya
View from my balcony
Yes I am alive. It has been a couple of busy weeks. The One Thing Conference was amazing. Then the following week was a roller coaster. My visa expired on Fri the 6th. So that whole week I was trying to get a trip planned and every time it fell through. So on Tuesday I talked with a travel agent and she was unhelpful, so that led to more tears and visiting a second agent on Wed. Yeah, it was Wed and needed to be out of the country on Fri. Well, the best thing we could do was to leave on Sun because that would kept me out of the country long enough to not over stay my next visa. So Sat rolls around and I get a call from the agency my flight was booked with and my flight has been cancelled and I have been put on another flight the next day. So now I am extremely frustrated. But God is good. I got on my flight with no problems and I am now in Turkey. I won't even go into the problems I did face in the airport.

While flying into Antalya, Turkey, it looked incredible. You have the Mediterranean Sea as one border and then a narrow city and a beautiful mountain range as the other border. Once on the land it looked alittle different, because on the drive from the airport to the hotel you went by many buildings that seemed to be no longer under development. So, it seemed very dirty and poor. Once we got to the "city" area it was much nicer. The Lord has put me in a beautiful 4 star hotel with a swimming pool and a private beach, if I can figure out where and when to catch the van to it. Today has been very relaxing and refreshing. The only thing I miss is there is no one to talk too.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Wizard of Oz

So, yesterday I wanted to write in my blog that I wanted to go home. There's no place like home. However, today I am doing better, still not perfect, but better. Within the last three days many things have happened that are making feeling like I am just going around the mountain again. I don't feel like I am making ground. One is where to live. the lady I am going to rent from called on Mon asking if I was going to rent and I had told her 2 weeks ago that I would. And now we have to meet with her and her land lord and it just feels frustrating because last year I didn't have to do that. It could all be nothing but it's frustrating. Then on Mon I changed my airline ticket home and later that day I ran into conflicts with my visa run and the date I just changed my ticket to. And now today my visa run completely fell through. So I now have a week to plan a trip out of the country. And to top everything else off I hurt my back a little over a week ago and it hurt to sit. So yesterday I really just wanted to go home. Today I feel better however because God it good I guess. This weekend it the "One Thing Conference". There is apparently a lot of spiritual warfare going on because (so to speak) of it. I feel that if I can just push through to the conference that it will be better. It will be a good time of filling and refreshing.

And yesterday or Mon morning I had a good dream. There was a crowd of thousands of people in a stadium. The place was packed. I was coming on stage as the speaker. I was speaking on abstinence. So, that means the crowd was youth and young adults. Here comes the fun part, my husband was just off the stage and I was pregnant. And as I was talking I mentioned that this was my second child. Now I know that is a different dream but I really feel like it was from the Lord. Pretty much everything in it is a confirmation of other visions or words. We'll see what the Lord brings about.

But it's one of those things that in times like this, where I feel stressed that I need to hold onto dreams and visions and words that I have received from the Lord. And know that He has brought me here and that He will provide. Sometimes it's hard to see that in the midst of it all but it is still true.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Square

So, yesterday I spent the day relaxing. Taking a true Shabbot. Actually I was trying to recover from an injury that had occured earlier that week. However I was very bored by 10pm, since I had done nothing all day. So I gathered my few things I would need if I was to go out and went down to the lobby. See stuff usually happens down in the lobby. After sitting there for awhile in slight pain a friend came down the stairs and said she was going to join a group in the square just a block away. Now, I should have stayed home and gone to bed, however, I really wanted to see people. So we went to the square and there was a group of people sharing the good news, and there was a group of musicians. So, I chatted with a few people, that I knew. And then I just sat there praying for the people there. Both the Jews and the Christians. I'm sharing this because when I talked to the students at the school I used to teach at one of their questions was have I shared the Lord with anyone. My answer is still no, but now I can say that I was there backing those people with prayer support. Because I know that as of now my role is not an evangelist, but a behond the scene type person. It was fun, my injury than did not go away but I am positive I was where the Lord wanted me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Tel Aviv

Mediterranean Sea
Us girls when we got out of the sea

Last Shabbot I went to Tel Aviv with my friends from the Hostel. It was a blast. We hopped a Sherut to Tel Aviv and then one to the beach. The sand was hot and we walked around to find an umbrella and chairs. We tanned (first time tanning because I really am not into that but I don't like being in the water by myself)first because the girls wanted to be hot before going into the cool water of the Mediterranean Sea. It is much warmer than the Pacific Ocean though.

But we went into the water twice. I was only about knee deep and there were monstrous waves that kept crashing into us. Oh yeah it was also a black flag day on the beach, letting us know that it is very dangerous to swim. It was a great time in the water. About five mins after we got out of the water there was a little shark spotted in the water near the shore.

We stayed on the beach until sunset and then we changed and ate dinner on the shore. It was a wonderful day. I will post pictures later when I am on my computer.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Well my posts are almost caught up. Just one or two more days of catching up. The hardest part is finding time to sit down here and do it. So one fact that I find amusing is that I just learned that Jordan's proper name is the Kingdom of Jordan.

We'll start with today. I finally made my way up to the actual wall at the Kotel (Wailing wall). I would have to say that the presence of the Lord was there. Touching the wall was nice but there was no majesty in it. The thing I noticed was that both times I closed my eyes, once at the wall and once a few yards away, was that I felt like I was all alone with the Lord. It felt almost like I was out in an open field with Him. It was a very amazing feeling.

Yesterday was as an odd day. I had had a good day and then I went to church. The pastor preached an amazing sermon. But the whole time I was struggling with something. Then the sermon ended and we were having quiet time with the Lord than we started to worship and I was now struggling with something else. And Bethany wasn't there to talk to. Then I went out to eat with a friend, Jacki, and someone else came along, so there was no time to chat. So I waited at the bus stop with her and a lady from church was there and talked the whole time. So I went home and sat on the roof for awhile and was just still feeling crappy and like I needed to cry, so I called 2 girls who are staying at the Hostel and volunteering with KKCJ as well. But they were busy. So a last resort sort of, I went to see if Daniel, a guy from the Hostel who is Messianic, was around. He was and I asked if he would join me up on the roof. He said yes. We were walking up the stairs and he asked what was wrong because he could tell something was up 'cause I asked him to talk. And right there on the stairs I started to cry. We made it all the way to the sitting area and we just talked. He listened and threw in his two cents every now and then. After about a half hour or an hour he left and I felt better.

Today, Bethany comes over and we were hanging out and she says that she didn't come to church because she was feeling bad. Then it clicked. She had been interceding for people and the Lord had me helping her or interceding for her. So I told her next time she has to call. Because she sat at home for awhile trying to figure out if it was her or what. And that was the same for me. So it was nice to know today that yesterday wasn't me, however, I need better discernment to know when I am interceding and when it is myself.

Friday, June 8, 2007


So last week I had visitors. I don't know if you have ever been on a trip and your in a foriegn country and someone you know is coming to the same place. Well, you get excited. That's how I felt last week. The pastors form HRC came for a whirlwind tour of the Holy Land. So I only know 2 of them but I invited them to the Prayer Tower as well as we were having the Jerusalem Praise Experience. Another girl who is up in the Prayer Tower is from HRC so she was inviting them as well. So on Tuesday night they showed up as I was closing the Prayer Tower. There was much confusion. Most of them went down to the Praise Experience and a few stayed because of the presence of the Lord in the Upper Room. Then all of them came up at the end and had their own private worship time. It was amazing.
Then on Wednesday we went to their evening meeting. I was excited to find out that the person speaking that night was Robert Stearn. Then I had a time of prayer with a few people and I recieved a few words. One person said she saw me under a large wing and that I am in a safe place. That in this safe place they will ask me to do things that I have never done before but they will come along side me and mentor me. When this learning time is open that it will open the door to the nations. So that was very encouraging. That was fun.
Then that Saturday I was at a birthday party and I learned that the Levites when they turn 25 start being trained in temple duties and that when they turn 30 they begin full time ministry in the temple. I felt like I am in my training time but I also feel like it will be an accelerated training time. I can't wait to see what God does.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Rob and Alisha

Two friends that I have made here got hitched the other day. So on Sunday we threw a bridal shower for Alisha. We took her to a fancy restaurant. Bethany and I ran out right after congregation to find here a present or crown to wear to embarrass her and balloons. We had a very hard time finding a tiara, so we finally found a garland of flowers that we could twist into a crown. Then we figured that she needed a veil and we bought a pretty white sparkly shawl. While we were looking Bethany said that maybe we should get her a good lotion because that would be something she could use. Then we found balloons. We took the bus as close as we could get to the restaurant. My bag was half out the bus door most of the ride because it was that packed. Then we walked to the restaurant, so on the walk to the restaurant we blew up the balloons. And fortunately we were the first two there. So we put the balloons up as center pieces. Then everyone showed up. Alisha loved the "crown". The neat thing was that one girl, Laura, saw the shawl and said she had wanted to buy Alisha that exact same shawl and then Erica came and she gave Alisha a very nice hand lotion. I just found that God is so good. Because all the things people wanted to get Alisha but didn't were brought by a different person. So we had a very good time celebrating Alisha.

On Thursday Rob and Alisha got married. It was in the backyard of our young adult pastor. She wore her wedding dress, she wasn't going to at first because she bought it for her USA wedding but us girls told her this a once in a life time and if she wanted to wear it she should, plus she gets to wear her wedding dress twice. And Rob wore a kilt. They walked down the aisle to a bag pipe, so all the neighbors came out to see what was going on and some watched the whole thing. It was a very pretty wedding and nice and relaxed. It was an amazing night.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

St. Ann's Church

Lindsey, Me, Morgan, Brooke, (not pictured Daniel)

The following Shabbot a group of us from the Hostel decide to go the Old City since there is nothing to do in the "new" city. We walk to the city and then we weren't sure where we were going. Someone had told us about a church with a garden and amazing acoustics. So Lindsey (the one on the left) thought she knew where it was so we walked to the Kotel (western wall) and then around the back of the old city and we entered a gate on the back and there was St. Ann's on the right. It is the pool of Bethsada area. But the reason we went there is because the acoustics is amazing. One voice sounds like a choir. More just sound plain ol' gorgeous. So we sat inside for a while. (Because it is cool since the church is made of stone and it was hot outside.) Then we left. I wanted to go and walk around the ruins of the pools but everyone else wanted to go. And I figured that Bethany and I (we sing together for fun and God has just knitted our hearts together) would have to go and sing there so I could see the ruinds later. So we went home. Daniel was going to walk to the Garden of Gethsemane so I siad I would go with. But it was closed so we just walked home. I have been told that this is the oldest picture depicting Christianity. It is a mosaic. This is the Golden Gate. It is believed to be the gate that Jesus/Yeshua will come back through.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


I don't think I have ever had my faith questioned quite this much. And I mean literally questioned. Peoplejust ask questions of what do you believe or do you believe this. And I am now having to put into words things that I just believe or know deep down in my spirit but have never had to verabally state. Like I was talking to this guy this evening and he says he's a Christian and we were talking about hell. And he has a hard time believing that God would send good people to hell. And his one example to me was a poor starving child in Africa. Now I grew up believing that children just go to heaven but I couldn't say that to him because I have no biblical basis for that or don't know that biblical basis. So I am having times like that where I am having to find the words to express what I believe. And that is a good thing and I am glad that the questioning is coming now when it is normally friendly banter.

Friday, June 1, 2007

House of Prayer

I promise I will sit and write right now the things that have gone on in the last two weeks and I will post them every 2 days. But it is good that I am too busy to sit and write.

Two Shabbots ago I went with some friends up to the third house of prayer. It is run by Tom Hess ( I don't know who he is but..). It is up on the Mount of Olives which is why I haven't been to it before, because it is far away, hard to find, and in Arab territory. I was told about it last time I was here but God's timing is perfect. We went there to participate in the watches but when we go there because one of the guys had worked there before we were just given the watch.

They do their watched differently. They call them gates. They have (well I think someone else did but) taken the gates of the old city and has extended them out on a world map and found what gate what countries are in. So the USA is in the Jaffa Gate. They have also done that for just Israel, so what cities are in what gates. Then their watches are certain gates. So we were there for the Jaffa Gate and one I can't remember its name. They way they operate is the same, there is music sometimes, you can pray whatever you feel and there are flags and shofars. The really cool thing is that the prayer room is on the top of a house. You go up these stairs to the roof and you are in an enclosed gazebo. There is where the music and instruments are and things are kept. Then you can go out side and walk on the roof and proclaim out over the city. Here is the view from the rooftop. It looks at the back of Mount Zion.

And down into the valley.

Then we stayed for Shabbot Dinner. It was a great time of worship and tradition. For we started with worship and then had the lighting of the Shabbot Candles, then more worship, then we had the wine, a little more music and then we broke the bread. And somewhere in there we sang the Shabbot Shalom song. Then we had dinner. We stayed and talked and then took a taxi home.

But during worship it was really awesome. I was sitting on a step because I didn't feel like I could stand anymore. And in the spirit I could see in my right hand was a flame the size of my palm and in my left hand was a gold bowl. I still don't know what they are or are for but I know I received them.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Garden Tomb

A couple Thursdays ago with young adults we went to the Garden Tomb and had a private tour. The young adults pastor's wife is a tour guide there. When we arrived there, we walked as a group because it is Arab territory and the girls did not want to walk alone to there, we had a chance wonder around be ourselves. It was fun to walk around. It felt like a very big playground. I told the friends I was with that I wanted to play and one of the guys Michael said well why not there are no adults here. So we all had a good laugh.

Then we had the tour. I really liked that when we started the tour the first thing said was that this may not be the actual place but we can remember what happened. So we started at the of the skull.A guy found it about 120 years ago and thought it looked like a skull as the excavated they found skulls that had been crush by rocks and feet and ankles with nails still through them. The bones were found at bottom of the hill. The other reasons that it could be is that it is right on the main road between Jericho and Bethlehem, so people could have walked by and scoffed at Him.

Then we went to the garden area. We were told that the garden would not have looked like this, but it was most likely a vineyard. Under the ground in that area was found a large cistern for watering a garden. I believe that it has been dated back to the time of Jesus. Also in that area was found the biggest wine press in Jerusalem or Israel, I forgot. But that shows that a man of great wealth owned the land at the time of Christ.Then we moved to the tomb. there were many earthquakes so the stone probably jumped out and was broken. The tomb itself dates back to the time of Jesus. It has a soul window, for ventilation, and for the soul to escape from heaven. The tomb itself is a tomb rather than a cave so it was dug out of the wall, which again points to wealth. A tomb is made from to part the places where the body is laid and a weeping area. The weeping area in this place is twice as big as in other tombs of the time which also points Outside the tomb is the ruins of an old byzantine church. By the what is left they can tell that there were areas for baptizing people there. Right outside the tomb is a track for the stone to have run on. The stone was never found but it is believed that at the time of the crucifixion of great wealth. Most tombs you walk in and you can see into the tomb side and this one you do not. Here you walk in and then have to look to your right. In the place where they lay the bodies, they would already have places prepared and once they knew how tall the person was they would carve out a place for the feet. In this tomb only one place had been used.

It was a very interesting visit. It was neat to have all the background to the Bible as well as the history of the place.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Another Holiday

Sorry it's been so long since I wrote last. I have been very busy or occupied so I ran out of time to post. In fact right now I should be in bed but I will make one littlish post. Sometime last week was Jerusalem Day. It was the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem with Israeli rule. So, in Israel they apparently never get rain in May. On Jerusalem Day it poured. There was thunder and lightning, hail, and downpours that flooded parts of Jerusalem. On Sunday I learned that only Jerusalem got rain, there was no rain anywhere else in Israel. So we (Prayer Tower) are believing it as a sign of the Lord pouring His Spirit on Pentecost.

But here are some pictures of the crowds outside my Hostel on Jerusalem Day. Apparently they all gathered outside here and then marched down to The Kotel (the Western Wall). But it was insane. There was a lot of dancing and singing. And many many people. My favorite picture is the one of the stoplight surrounded by people.

I promise I will post more tomorrow because it has been an amazing week.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dead Sea

Today I went to the Dead Sea with a group of friends I have made at the Hostel. We did not go to a common nice beach but we had fun. It was a blast floating in the the water. Because it is very easy and a workout as well. Plus if you look at your hand in the water you can see like this oily film. We had fun.

The first picture is of the Dead Sea and across the water is Jordan.

The second picture is Mindy, Aaron, and I floating just as we are about to get out.

The third picture is my pride and joy. It is my battle wound. As we were trying to get in the water. We walked out as we would normally walk into a lake. However, because what we were walking on, hard salt or quick sand type stuff. So as I was walking in I cut my foot on the hard salt. Actually I received many small cuts on both feet. It doesn't hurt, but when I got out of the water It bleed like crazy. But it never hurt.
That is what I did today as well as make myself look like a lobster.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Israeli Student Riot

It is all over. I am fine. No one I know got hurt. Only one person I know is missing, but that is because he was stupid enough to go partake in the riot.

Israeli students protest in Jerusalem today about tuition increases. Apparently it tripled in price this year. I don't know all the details. What I do know is that different parts of town were shut down do to the protests. In some areas riots broke out. One way the police "control" "coral" them is by pushing them back to where they should be and apparently at the beginning of the day some people fell down and were severely injured.

Then tonight on my way home from Young Adults we found out that they were stationed right out side the Hostel and one of the guys lives in the building next to mine. So we walked home and then we got close and we could see this massive group of people. He escorted another girl to his place since she would be unable now to catch her bus since the street was closed. I went up stairs and watched. The people in blue are the normal police. They provided the general barrier by the sidewalk and the students sitting in the street. Then there is are the police you don't mess with and they are in grey/green. They went in and pulled the students out from sitting down. When I was watching it took waves of this to get the students out of the middle of the street. Then they pushed them up to the sidewalk. At which point the grey/green officers held the line and the blue police backed up. Then with in 10-15mins it started to rain and everyone slowly left.

The interesting thing to me was how the police went in. When some of them were making the wall, they linked arms and walked through. But they worked together. It was not just one person going in and taking on the crowd. They did it as a team. And even though it is not opinion of most people here I think. I have a great respect and honor for these police men and women. Something just stirred inside me as I was watching it. My western friends are just hoping that the USA papers don't spin to make the Israeli police look bad. But we will see what happens.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is the mess I made while cooking for the first time in a month. I made pasta tuna salad. I am so proud of myself. I just don't know if it tastes good because it has to chill first.

So today I talked to Hilda and I am going to lead the Tuesday night watch for goodish. She had called me last night to find out if I wanted to lead this mornings watch but I didn't get the message in time. But it has been a good day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Comforting Confirmation

Tonight I went to Succot Hallel. I arrived a little late. But interestingly, that is what God wanted. By being late I was able to take a bus with a friend and have a quick chat. Once I got there I got a phone call so I walked outside so I ran into another friend and we had a go chat and prayer. Then I finally was able to go in and stay. One of the ladies that was there is another dancer. And in my opinion a very good dancer. I still feel like I am a novice. So when there is a person whom I think is better then me I sometimes have a hard time entering into dancing worship. It was also possible that I wasn't suppose to dance yet. So I sat or stood for most of the time. Then there came a time of intimacy and during times of intimacy I find that is when I want or need to dance the most. So I found two flags that I felt I should use. I danced and I flagged and I didn't care who watched. In fact I stood in the middle of the room. Then at the end of the watch I was helping her clean up and she came and told me that my dancing in the middle was beautiful. So I am still moving forward in knowing that I do what I am called. If that makes sense.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Public Watch

Today, today what to say. Well, it was a good day. I woke up in time to get to part of the morning watch however the bathroom was then full for the next hour. So I got up and planned on going to the 8am watch. I started walking there and then realized that that watch is for the Church leaders so I came home and slept. However, I then slept into part of the noon watch. I sat there going should I go or not I will be late. Well finally I said I need to go so I took my laundry to the cleaners then I got to the prayer tower for the last half hour. But the last half hour was amazing and it flowed into the next half hour of the following watch. Just a burden for the nations came out. Then I was sitting in reception checking my email, when Donna came and asked if I would like to lead the evening watch. I hemmed and hahhed for a little bit, because a friend had sorta invited me to dinner but nothing had been confirmed. But I said yes because that is what I came to this country for, not to eat (hee hee). So Donna was happy. Then I caught a bus for Succot Hallel. On Tuesdays they have a watch for the One Thing Conference.* That watch was amazing. I spent most of it writing down a dream I had last night that the Lord brought to my memory. Then I caught a bus back to town with just enough time to eat dinner and get to the Prayer Tower for the evening watch. And actually during Succot Hallel the Lord let me know what the evening watch was suppose to be. So I get up there. I have about 10min and have time to prepare myself. I ended up singing as well with Cedric, which I said I could do. I mean I love singing to the Lord. So I opened the watch and it just went. I was very glad that after I said something that I felt on my heart that someone else came up and read a scripture that confirmed my word. So it was a good night. The Spirit flowed and it was sweet. So tonight I lead a public watch, yeah!

*If you feel like you should, please keep the One Thing Conference covered in prayer. It is suppose to be just as powerful for Israel and the nations as The Call is for the USA. Plus, I feel like it is going to be a spring board for The Call. Since Lou is going to be here and just the words I have heard that the Lord has given this conference. I think that this conference might impact The Call. So please keep it covered in prayer as well.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Little Things

This last week I was a little annoyed/sad because I didn't feel like I have many friends here. And I kind of felt like I was annoying the few I have. I had wanted people to invite me and call me. So Thursday rolled around and I went to Young Adults. There were almost all new faces for me. At the end of the night I got a couple of new phone numbers and people got mine. And we planned on getting together for a movie after service on Sunday. That was all good but in the back part of my mind was still, I feel like a tag along. Well Sunday rolls around. I then realized that my call phone had died. So I charge it. Once it was charged I found that I had a text message from a girl I met on Thursday, Bethany. She messaged me in Hebrew so I had Mietal down at the front desk translate it for me. And I found out that she had asked me to join her Saturday night. So I messaged her back and said my phone died. She called back and asked if I would like to hang out with her before service. (YAY, people want to do stuff with me and she initiated it.) Her bus didn't get in until just enough time to walk to service. But the point was she wanted to hang out. Then I got to service and I saw Jacky. I finally had her birthday present and she was excited. Then she asked if I had gotten her emails. I said no. But she had been inviting me all week to something that was going on this weekend. So even my friends that I thought I was annoying were trying to get a hold of me. So, again God gave me just a little glimpse of how much He loves me that even the little things He takes care of. Was just mind blowing.

Then this evening as I was leaving the building I met Bethany by the elevators. And we went out to dinner and chatted. We got to know each other. It's fun and nice to have people to talk with that understand what you are doing or going through. So God is good.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Holy Sepulchre

Yesterday, I went to the Holy Sepulchre again. I went with 2 people I met from Canada, Nikki and Aaron. They hadn't been able to find the Holy Sepulcher and I knew where it was and I hadn't been able to find the Western Wall and they could get there. So we went together. I still didn't like it, but I was not as bothered by it as I was last time. Whether that is good or bad I don't know.

The first picture is from the outside. The little stairway next to the doors on the right I believe was part of a watch tower built by the crusaders. The next picture is of where the cross was. The people crouched down are touching the stone or hole where the cross was. To the left behind the people is the rock the "was" broken from the earthquake after Christ died. It is a Greek chapel. The next two are the stone of unction, where Christ's body was prepared for burial. And the last one is the "grave" of Christ. They have dug out the cliff. I still have not gone in there. The line was extremely long yesterday. So, that was different.

Then we walked to the Western Wall. We were unable to take pictures though because it was Shabbot. But the place was very full of people. The men's side especially had a lot of people in it. It was different as well, being there again. It could just be that so many there to pray that presence that I felt last time wasn't there, or something like that that I can't explain.
But it was a good day. And it was very nice to have people to go with. We went out for dinner tonight together. Again it was nice just to have people to meander around with.

Friday, May 4, 2007


It has been freakishly hot here the last two days. Even sitting inside a building I have been told to drink plenty of water. And not many places have air conditioning. To give you a clue I was told tonight that it was somewhere around 35' C ( which is 93' F). So it isa hot and it is some weather pattern from the dessert and it doesn't cool down at night either. So I would guess it is around 24" C right now (75' F) and humid. I am wrong I looked it up and it is 81' F feels like 80" F and 34% humidity. So yeah, and the sun isn't even out. The sky is covered in xlouds or sand all day. And apparently it rained mud earlier today. I slept through it but it is crazy. So I hope you appreciate your weather.

I love you all. G'Night

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Body

Okay only the highlights. Yesterday was amazing. I was at a watch inwhich I had not been intending on being at. I was playing my music because the person running that watch was late. I playing glory music and she came in and liked it so we left the music. There was some indivdual time of prayer and then we sat around together holding hands because that is what Nicole saw us doing when she walked in. We were sitting there holding hands and Nicole was praying something. And I had a vision. I was unsure of what it meant but I shared it anyways. The neat thing was to see the body work as one. I shared and Nicole and the other gal prayed into with understanding and then I recieved more. And there wasn't this oh I know what that is or I knnow. It just flowed as if it was one person.

So here is what I saw...
Off in the distance was a walled city. As "we" (I just knew it was we) got closer the city got bigger and bigger. Then we entered it and it continued to get bigger and once we were in it you could no longer see the borders of the city it just continued on forever. And it had stone buildings, some big towers, some smaller, like a city would be. Then I watch wild horses run into the city. They ran in the gate and once they ran up the main street they spread out and filled the city. And the horses just kept coming. They prayed thanking the Lord for sending His people to the city. For letting them be wild, not controled by religion and such. And for sending them to the New Jerusalem. For send His warriors. Then I saw that the wild horses were running in because behind them was the Lion. The Lord was leading them He was corraling them. We called forth the people that God wanted to come here and we asked for grace for the workers who had been here and would not be "needed" during the battle but who would be being replaced.

It was just amazing. And probably the collest thing was the body working as one. It just came there was no fighting for time or arguing with each other. We were in agreement and the Lord was able to do what He needed to do. And that is only one of the amazing things the Lord did that day.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


So I forgot half of the good stuff from Thursday. The other part I that was amazing was that I got a prophetic song. Sadly right now I do not remember the tune but I wrote down the words.

Your presence smells like frankincense
It drips like oil
It tastes like honey under my tongue.
He knocked at the door
He poked his fingers through the lattice
Oil dripped down the gate
Where has my beloved gone (4x)
I'll chase after you
Then parts just kept repeating. It was so awesome. The presence of the Lord was so thick. Then we prayed that the anointing that was up on the top floor would go down to the bottom floor because the young adults were having a worship night. And I realized that it was amazing that King of Kings have the top floor and the bottom floor because if they can get the anointing flowing between the floors they can change the whole building. So then I went down to the DeepEnd (young adults) and the anointing was the same. The other part about that night I didn't share was that the leader got a prophetic song and it sounded like one of those songs that you sing to make fun of people. When I can find out how to do it I will record it and put it on this. Here is the song, it's very simple.
You're the King of the castle
We're no longer dirty rascals
So Thursday was a very good. Friday and Saturday have been a little boring because of Shabbot but life is good, because God is good.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Amazing Day

This is not everything that went on but it was I journaled about yesterday.

Thursday, April 26 2007

Yesterday I saw what I thought were angels in the Upper Room but I was unsure. Because I would see them out of my peripheral vision and then I would look and there was nothing. So today as I was up there during the morning watch and during my watch. I realized that they are “watchman” angels and that they have a wall that they watch and protect. Most of the time when I see them they are walking but once I saw one kneeling/praying. Then I saw one out in the hallway.
Tonight at the DeepEnd

We were singing take me into the Holy of Holies and I had my hands raised and I felt the Lord just grab my hands and say “Are you ready?” And he just picked me up and brought me to the Holy of Holies/Heaven. I physically went down to the ground so not to fall. I then saw myself lying down in Heaven in the same position. Everything on me slowly turned white and I was now wearing a dress. I looked about 6/8 but I was a grownup. I slowly stood up and twirled about in my new skirt. Then I was standing on my Father’s feet and we were dancing. My head only came up to his waist and I couldn’t see His face. It was kind of like those old cartoons where God would be walking with man and His face would be in a cloud. Then He picked me up and gave me a huge hug. We were dancing on clouds. Then he asked if He could show me something and I said Yes. So He took me to a room and as we walked in and it was totally dark. Then these flashes of light would go shooting by. After being in there a while I saw this necklace coming at me and I realized that the Father was giving it to me. It was a necklace with 2 red stones, one on top of the other. I knew that they were diamonds and that they were red because of Yeshua’s blood. The Lord put it on me. Then we left that room. We walked and talked some more I don’t remember what about. Then he pushed me back to earth.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Chag Same'ach

Happy Holidays!! Israel just celebrated it's 59th anniversary of being a country. These pictures are a glimpse of what was going on outside my front door. Some are taken from the roof and some from the street. And this went on for blocks. They closed down the streets and partied all night.
(I can't get the pictures to load and I have to go. So I will try again later.)

My favorite place I went was a couple blocks down they were having traditional Israeli dancing. The kind where everyone stands in a circle and they all know the dance. The party started about 7pm, they didn't have the fireworks until 12:30am, and the bands didn't stop until 1:30/2am, and that doesn't mean the people left right away. The next day was amazing as well. The congregation I attend here had a picnic in the park and that was a blast. I got sunburned. Then I walked to the Russian compound with a friend and there was all sorts of singing and dancing and people dressed up from different time periods.

It really got me thinking of how we celebrate our freedom. I mean these people party like there is no tomorrow. And yet it is exactly that. They are happy for the little amount of freedom they have. And yet we have "real" freedom and we don't celebrate it that much. People were running around with Israeli flags around their necks like capes or around their waist like a skirt because they are that proud to be an Israeli. The patriotism is indescribable.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The first Thursday I was here I went to the Prayer Tower in the evening. There was a prophetic sculpture on the floor. I don't remember what was in the middle but I know that there was blue fabric coming out of the middle as the River of Life. And as I was sitting there during the worship time we were singing something about the throne. Then I noticed that sitting on the middle fabric was the throne of the Lord and then I thought it was the Ark of the Covenant. Then I realized that they are the same. It was amazing. I didn't say anything because I didn't know if that was okay.

Then Monday morning after I talked to Hilda we were worshipping. We were singing something about the Lord coming down. We had the Israeli flag on the floor and we were asking the Lord to show himself to Israel. I was laying on the flag interceding when all of a sudden I felt something. I looked up and there were feet and I knew that Jesus was standing on the flag that we was there for His people. Now I still hadn't asked if it was okay to say the things that I see in the supernatural. So again I did not say anything.

Later that I was there for the Israel Prayer Watch. During this watch they pray for all the different ministries in Israel and for any prayer requests they have. We started with worship and the requests were sitting on a chair in the middle. And as we worshipped Hilda felt that we should hold the requests and we slowly started reading them. As this was going on I saw a huge angel standing in the middle with his sword drawn and his sword was a flaming sword. I was not sure why he was here but I this time I knew I need to share it. So I went to Donna, who was leading the watch, and told her. She said that when Hilda was done praying that I need to share that with the group. So I did. They were all excited and they felt that since he was there with his sword drawn that he was ready for action and that because the Word of the Lord is the sword that when we prayed for these requests that we need to find scripture to pray over them. After that I asked Hilda if it's okay to share what I see and she said yes of course. So I told her that I saw Jesus that morning and she was sad/mad that I didn't share it.

But I am excited to be at a place that is so willing and ready to know what is happening in the spiritual realm.

By the way. I talked with Hilda and she threw my right into the watches. She is having me start out with just join in on them. And she told me which ones are good to go to. Then she said I should come to the staff watch and she gave me one devotional watch of my own. During that watch, 2 hrs, I can do what I do and if people come just keep going. And near the end of the watch I can ask if they need prayer or anything. Then after about 2 weeks of that, we will look at doing more. And Hilda will be gone for about 2 weeks. SO when she comes back I might get to do more. So that is exciting. And I know I am using the word "exciting" alot but I am not sure what word would work better.