The following Shabbot a group of us from the Hostel decide to go the Old City since there is nothing to do in the "new" city. We walk to the city and then we weren't sure where we were going. Someone had told us about a church with a garden and amazing acoustics. So Lindsey (the one on the left) thought she knew where it was so we walked to the Kotel (western wall) and then around the back of the old city and we entered a gate on the back and there was St. Ann's on the right. It is the pool of Bethsada area. But the reason we went there is because the acoustics is amazing. One voice sounds like a choir. More just sound plain ol' gorgeous. So we sat inside for a while. (Because it is cool since the church is made of stone and it was hot outside.) Then we left. I wanted to go and walk around the ruins of the pools but everyone else wanted to go. And I figured that Bethany and I (we sing together for fun and God has just knitted our hearts together) would have to go and sing there so I could see the ruinds later. So we went home. Daniel was going to walk to the Garden of Gethsemane so I siad I would go with. But it was closed so we just walked home.

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