I moved into my new apartment on Sunday, yay! So I now have my own QUIET room. So will tell you all about that tomorrow.
God is good all the time. There is/was a huge convention going on in Jerusalem. It is the Foursquare 2007 Convention. I heard about it because my friend was singing in the Tommy Walker choir. So yesterday I thought I would go, so I could hear Tommy Walker and Jack Hayford. Well, I got up there to register and they said it was full and it would cost me $175 dollars for the whole thing. So I went home. That helped make my decision about Tuesday night. Because Tuesday night, today, at the Convention was the last performance of the play The Covenant forever or a season.ICEJ: The Covenant And I wanted to go but I also had my watch to be at. So since it was filled up I didn't have to worry about asking permission. So today I slept in because I wasn't feeling the best. I got up in time to get to my staff meeting and than after the staff meeting was my watching. During the staff meeting the convention was mentioned, since Hilda was there*. So I brought up that it's full and the play. And we moved on with the meeting. At the end of the meeting Hilda leaves and comes back and she slides on the table to me her badge to the conference and says, "go, I'll take your watch". So I got to see the last show of the play and see it for free. And it was amazing. It is simply the story of God's covenant with His people from Abraham to the birth of Israel. And it's a musical. It was fantastic. I am very thankful that I got to go and see it.

*Today is the ninth of Ov. It is the day when both Jewish Temples were destroyed. It is the day the Ferdinand and Queen Isabella sign something kicking out or killing the Jews in Spain. It is the day when the first Jews were taken to concentration camps and killed. It is not a happy day in the Jewish calendar. In fact many stores were closed in remembrance. So, today Hilda was at the convention and she turned around during a time of singing "Hallelujah" and she said to look out and see 3000 believers worshipping on that day in Jerusalem was just amazing.
1 comment:
I'm glad you got to see the musical. We'll have to chat soon. John has been given an opportunity to go to Jerusalem October 08-January 09. If he goes, I am going. In the mean time, when are you going to come visit us????? :-) Love you and am praying for you.
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