Yes I am alive. It has been a couple of busy weeks. The One Thing Conference was amazing. Then the following week was a roller coaster. My visa expired on Fri the 6th. So that whole week I was trying to get a trip planned and every time it fell through. So on Tuesday I talked with a travel agent and she was unhelpful, so that led to more tears and visiting a second agent on Wed. Yeah, it was Wed and needed to be out of the country on Fri. Well, the best thing we could do was to leave on Sun because that would kept me out of the country long enough to not over stay my next visa. So Sat rolls around and I get a call from the agency my flight was booked with and my flight has been cancelled and I have been put on another flight the next day. So now I am extremely frustrated. But God is good. I got on my flight with no problems and I am now in Turkey. I won't even go into the problems I did face in the airport.
While flying into Antalya, Turkey, it looked incredible. You have the Mediterranean Sea as one border and then a narrow city and a beautiful mountain range as the other border. Once on the land it looked alittle different, because on the drive from the airport to the hotel you went by many buildings that seemed to be no longer under development. So, it seemed very dirty and poor. Once we got to the "city" area it was much nicer. The Lord has put me in a beautiful 4 star hotel with a swimming pool and a private beach, if I can figure out where and when to catch the van to it. Today has been very relaxing and refreshing. The only thing I miss is there is no one to talk too.
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