Well, it has been a fairly slow week. Since I told Hilda that I would be doing the Night Watches I haven't been able to sleep well. I am falling asleep in the early morning hours and sleeping until the afternoon, which puts a damper on getting things done during the day.
Wednesday was a good day. Bethany and I had a great watch at Succot Hallel. The time just flew by. And it was all new songs and scripture until about the last half hour. Which to me is amazing. Especially since I am the prayer/scripture leader. I don't really know the scriptures well. So God is just telling me where to go and find the verses to read. And Bethany and I are beginning to flow together really well.
Tonight, I just got back from a friends birthday party. It is amazing to think of how many people the Lord has brought into my life here. It was a blast because his mom is in town to see him so I was able to meet her.

Baruch and his mom
Which reminds me, last week. I went with a friend to hear a good friend of his sing. And I was able to meet his Grandma. She had arrived the day I left for Turkey and then they were out of town when I got back. So that was fun.

Earlier today I was out with Bethany on Ben Yehuda, a big shopping section of town. And just to share how small and friendly Jerusalem is, on Monday, we had been waiting for a bus and were talking to another gal waiting for the bus. And then to day we saw her walking on Ben Yehuda and were able to ask her if she got to where she was going. And it's just amazing on how that happened. And how it was just normal like seeing a friend.
My last randomness I promise. My favorite song right now is Skillet's Will You Be There. My two favorite parts are... well here is the song... bold are my favorites..
As I fall to sleep Will You comfort me?
When my heart is weak Will You rescue me?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When Im falling down?
Will You be there?
When I''m in retreat,Can I run to You?
Will my pain release At Your mercy seat?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Will You be there?My heart grows cold.
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Are You saying so?Oh, I gotta believe it.
Are You saying yeah?
When Your love comes down,I can rest my eyes.
Feel Your grace and power Flood into my life.
As my brokenness And Your strength collide,
When Your love comes down,
Falling down.
As I fall to sleepAs I fall to sleep
Will you be thereAs I grow cold?
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