Okay so the forecast started out for snow last Tue. But it kept changing and it soon looked like we weren't going to get any snow, yet people still said it was coming. Side note, I really wanted to see Jerusalem covered in snow. It snowed a week before I came out. So Mon night I was at a meeting and they started to pray against the snow. They had good reasons, it would interfere with their tour and such. So I leaned over to my friend and said, "If it snows I'm God's favorite and if it doesn't snow he's God's favorite." Life went on I went and did my watch. I was walking home at midnight (just across the street) and snowflakes were falling. I didn't think much of it because they weren't staying and I figured it would warm up coming morning. But I was very glad to see the flakes at least. I went to bed and out here they have these like blackout things to secure your windows from break ins. So I'm in bed and I get a phone call at 9am. Now for me that's early, when I get off at 12am. And it's my friend saying "It's snowing. When you wake up do you want to go take pics?" I said yes and then tried to go back to sleep but it was too hard.So after I get up and moving Bethany and I walk down to the Old City to take pics. By now it's no longer snowing but raining and it's very slushy. I mean like 6ins of slush. But I still got my snow.
This is the view from outside my apartment.
This is me jst before Jaffa Gate

Just a view of the city

I know it's hard to see, but there is some snow on the Dome of the Rock

This is just city wall.
To let you know why I wanted to see snow... I have seen pictures of Jerusalem covered in snow. It's happens aparently every couple of years. But seeing those pictures just seems so prophetic. I just think of the verse "And I shall wash their sins as white as snow". And that is what I see when Jerusalem in snowed on. See the old city white and clean. Seeing the Dome of the Rock covered in a blanket of snow. It just makes me hope for the day when they will know their salvation.
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