So, I think about 2 weeks ago I moved into my new place. It is very nice to have a room to myself. I like the quietness, but I find sometimes I get bored or lonely. But the first Sunday I was here I swept the floor and there was this monstrous pile of dog hair.

So a week ago Wednesday was amazing. I had a watch at the Prayer Tower and then I went to join Bethany for a watch at Succot Hallel. It is an Aaliyah watch, to call forth the Jewish people to come back to the land of Israel, and I am her prayer leader. So I look up and read scriptures about the Jewish people returning and than pray into it. Well, it was amazing. I simply started with my Bible open to Isaiah and then flipped page by page and the Lord revealed amazing scriptures all the way through the prophets that were amazing and I had no idea were there. And as I would speak them and I would tend to read the whole chapter rather then just a verse or two and then Bethany would sing it. New songs just came out and were beautiful.
Later that night was the Jerusalem Praise Experience and Bethany and I were asked to help direct traffic. So we went to the Pavilion and got our free t-shirts and we went and stood at our posts. I was out on Aggripas St. I was standing there and there was about a foot ledge in front of me. I started thinking, I am out here watching for people to direct them to the Pavilion and there is this little wall in front of me, I'm a watchman on the wall. And this thought came to mind and this is a physical version of what I am doing spiritually. (Since then the Lord has been speaking watchman to me. Including my favorite song right now Let the Fire Burn.)

Then I went home and talked with mom. I was excited to talk to her because our friends, pastors from Mexico were going to be there and I haven't talked to them or seen them in almost a year. So David and Julia come and sit down and David comes over on crutches. Apparently, it was the second attack on his foot in 2 days. So we sat and talked and then they wanted to let me talk to my mom. But someone asked if I wanted to pray for David's foot, I said sure. I prayed it seemed like a short disjointed prayer and then they prayed for me and then mom and I started to talk. Then in the background I could see him walking without his crutches. He said as I prayed he could feel something happening in his leg. Then they told me that he hasn't been able to touch it to the ground because of the pain or to let his wife touch it hurt too much. And he was now walking on it. The Lord healed his leg. And when he went home he packed the crutches in the trunk. God is so good.
Well, there is more to come tomorrow.