So, the Lord is doing a ton out here. Things are just moving and happening. Sometimes I feel like I can't catch up on writing it down or sharing. So I know this afternoon there was a lot I was going to share so now I will try to remember it all.
First of all here is the picture my friend from Israel painted.
It was part of his senior project. And just so you know it is like 5' by 3' maybe bigger. It is of the bride of Christ; and there is construction going on just to show that the bride is still around and is a current thing; and in the sky is the Norther Lights just to show that even the heavens declare the glory of the Lord. This is just one of his amazing paintings. But so far I think this is my favorite.
As most of you know by now there was teen age messianic believer injured in a terrorist attack. It is a miracle that he is even alive. He is apparently doing well. He is awake and he can now see. But there is still alot of healing that the Lord needs to do. So if you could continue to keep him up in prayer that would be wonderful. But the neat thing is, (side note, one of the wathces is praying for the messianic body so they send us prayer requests) that the rest of the messianic body for now is not sending in any prayer requests because the only important prayer request on their heart is healing for Ami.
And it just started me thinking. Would we do that in the states? If someone in our county (not even thinking state) had a huge need, would the rest of us lay aside our needs and lift that person up without worrying about ourselves. For me personally I don't even see that in churches. When people have needed breakthroughs to we stop asking the Lord for the things we "need" and start petitioning God for the persons breakthrough. I mean the "needs" out here are huge. People need protection, favor in the government, life neccesities, but they are saying right now (for the last week at least) my "needs" aren't important, only Ami is important. That to me is just huge. And I think it would be amazing if we could all grasp that.
Also, new news a palestinian christian was kidnapped the other day in Gaza.
So things are stirring up out here. But don't worry Grandma I am fine. I am using wisdom and trusting that since the Lord has me here that He will protect me accordding to Psalm 91.
I would write what the Lord is doing in me but it feels like the wrong time. I will save that for tomorrow. God Bless!!