Sorry that it has taken me this long to write about what happened on Sunday. Which I will do but I figured that I should start with today. Today, has been a horribly (good) productive day. Now it surprised me because last night I got to bed the latest that I have in a month and woke up the earliest that I have in a few weeks. I had breakfast with my flat mate. Then I ran errands, for myself, Bethany, and Andre. I got home made Jello for dinner, swept the floor mopped the floor and then got ready for dinner. I had a wonderful Shabbot dinner with Bethany and Michael and then we watched a movie. And then Bethany and I sat up until 1 talking about life and things that need to get done this week. So for me and maybe any normal person, a very productive day.
The rest of the week has been good. But nothing really special. I did throw Bethany's Bridal Shower on Wednesday and it was a huge success. And I am very glad it's over.
So on to Sunday. Sunday is my first night watch of the week and this time some friends came to join me. It was quiet at first just music and waiting in the presence of the Lord. But later I started to see things in the spirit. It started for me as areas of color. So the first one I saw I crawled over to and laid in and then my friend made a comment that I was in a "portal". I am not entirely sure how to explain them, but as far as I know it is a place where Heaven is meeting earth and the Lord is giving something specific, but you don't always know what the specific thing is. Then I saw a few other portals, that my friends went to. Then I decided to share that there was an angel in the room and one of the guys said I had been praying for that. At that time I realized that the angel was what was opening the portals. So I decided I wanted to know where the angel was standing, since I didn't know where he was I just knew he was there. So as I was feeling in the spirit I found a door. It was kinda funny because I was walking and then was just stopped in the physical there was nothing there. But I felt it was a door and then in the spirit I could see written above it was the Hebrew word shir, which is song. Know I liked that it was in Hebrew because for me that meant I wasn't just thinking something. Because I told the guys what letters I saw and then they "read" it and I just happen to know that word in Hebrew. So I know it was the Lord and not me. Back to the door. I also knew I was not to go through the door. So one of the guys who is a musician went through and the Lord just gave him words. Things for him, things for other musicians. It was an amazing night.
Then that night when I got to bed I had a dream for someone at home. And then before I went in for my watch the following morning I stopped by the friends house who had joined me the night before and the Lord just ministered to me and gave me a word. So Sunday was a good day.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!
Sorry, that nothing was posted all week. But it really truly was a fairly boring week. I did the night watches my three days and they were great. The rest of the nights I stayed up that late as well. So I slept in all week and didn't get much done turning the days. That was pretty much my week. I hoping that this week I can get a few more things accomplished.
But tonight was great. The Lord really met with us up there tonight. I will share the rest tomorrow, right now I need to go to sleep. (So I can get up and do things tomorrow).
But tonight was great. The Lord really met with us up there tonight. I will share the rest tomorrow, right now I need to go to sleep. (So I can get up and do things tomorrow).
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Wow, my first Night Watch is done and it was great. The time just flew by. I have never had a watch go by so quickly and this was a three hour watch as apposed to the normal two hour watches I do. So God was good. As I wrote in the journal at the Prayer Tower it was just a time of sweet worship.
However, it did start a little rocky. Was I was in our part of the building I found out I was locked out of the prayer room. Fortunately I was able to get into Hilda's office and start making phone calls. I called Chanelle, even though I didn't want to, she has the watch right after mine so she should have been in the middle of her night sleep, but she told me to call if I needed anything. But she kept hanging up on my, probably because it was the middle of the night sleep for her. So fortunately in Hilda's office since she is gone she left us a binder and in that binder is every one's phone numbers. So I thought who has keys to the Prayer Tower and who would be up at midnight, ahh, Stephan. He is our janitor/worshipper, so I gave him a call and he was up and across the street so he came over and let me in. From then on it was smooth sailing.
But now I must sleep. G'Night
However, it did start a little rocky. Was I was in our part of the building I found out I was locked out of the prayer room. Fortunately I was able to get into Hilda's office and start making phone calls. I called Chanelle, even though I didn't want to, she has the watch right after mine so she should have been in the middle of her night sleep, but she told me to call if I needed anything. But she kept hanging up on my, probably because it was the middle of the night sleep for her. So fortunately in Hilda's office since she is gone she left us a binder and in that binder is every one's phone numbers. So I thought who has keys to the Prayer Tower and who would be up at midnight, ahh, Stephan. He is our janitor/worshipper, so I gave him a call and he was up and across the street so he came over and let me in. From then on it was smooth sailing.
But now I must sleep. G'Night
Saturday, August 11, 2007
God is so good. This is something that not everyone will understand but to me it was special. As many of you know, when I arrived in Jerusalem I really felt that I was suppose to stay at the Hostel. And that was wonderful blessing, I made many friends there. Some of whom left already and some of whom are living here. Since the beginning of July I haven't really seen these people. But within the last week I have just run into most of them. I saw Daniel last week and as I was meeting him I saw MarieAnn. Then when I went to meet him again I saw Meital. Then when we were out talking he told me about Baruch's Birthday. So I was able to see Baruch and Lee and Aaron. Then today I went to the Hostel to pick on Daniel, since he is leaving this week, I saw Gertrude and said hi. But then the funny one, I was walking up the street from there and some guy behind me was making noise and comments. I avoid those types of people. Then finally he made enough racket that I turned and saw that it was Gabby. He worked at the Hostel while I was staying there. So we walked a little bit and talked. But it was just amazing that the Lord would have me run into all these people that I don't see on a daily basis anymore. It really truly meant a lot to me.
(Color is fun. I really want to us this color can you read this? but I know that is a hard color to see. So I will have fun picking a different color each time.)
So today is Shabbot and last night I went to my friend Nicol's house. We weren't planning on having Shabbot dinner but we ended up having it. It was great we had American (well as American as you can get in Israel) Taco Salad. It was delicious. Plus I than found out where to get Cheddar Cheese out here. But we simply spent the night at her place hanging out. There were about 6 of us girls. We ate, talked, on girl felt like doing every one's hair, Nicol felt like doing feet. We watched a movie or two. It was just an amazing time of fellowship. Especially, because with this group there is generally always a sensitivity to what the Spirit is doing, so even though we were just chilling it was refreshing to body and spirit. Plus, I was surrounded by people which I haven't been since I left the Hostel.
On a fun and exciting note. I start the Night Watch tonight. Love you all and miss you.
(Color is fun. I really want to us this color can you read this? but I know that is a hard color to see. So I will have fun picking a different color each time.)
So today is Shabbot and last night I went to my friend Nicol's house. We weren't planning on having Shabbot dinner but we ended up having it. It was great we had American (well as American as you can get in Israel) Taco Salad. It was delicious. Plus I than found out where to get Cheddar Cheese out here. But we simply spent the night at her place hanging out. There were about 6 of us girls. We ate, talked, on girl felt like doing every one's hair, Nicol felt like doing feet. We watched a movie or two. It was just an amazing time of fellowship. Especially, because with this group there is generally always a sensitivity to what the Spirit is doing, so even though we were just chilling it was refreshing to body and spirit. Plus, I was surrounded by people which I haven't been since I left the Hostel.
On a fun and exciting note. I start the Night Watch tonight. Love you all and miss you.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well, it has been a fairly slow week. Since I told Hilda that I would be doing the Night Watches I haven't been able to sleep well. I am falling asleep in the early morning hours and sleeping until the afternoon, which puts a damper on getting things done during the day.
Wednesday was a good day. Bethany and I had a great watch at Succot Hallel. The time just flew by. And it was all new songs and scripture until about the last half hour. Which to me is amazing. Especially since I am the prayer/scripture leader. I don't really know the scriptures well. So God is just telling me where to go and find the verses to read. And Bethany and I are beginning to flow together really well.
Tonight, I just got back from a friends birthday party. It is amazing to think of how many people the Lord has brought into my life here. It was a blast because his mom is in town to see him so I was able to meet her.

Baruch and his mom
Which reminds me, last week. I went with a friend to hear a good friend of his sing. And I was able to meet his Grandma. She had arrived the day I left for Turkey and then they were out of town when I got back. So that was fun.

Earlier today I was out with Bethany on Ben Yehuda, a big shopping section of town. And just to share how small and friendly Jerusalem is, on Monday, we had been waiting for a bus and were talking to another gal waiting for the bus. And then to day we saw her walking on Ben Yehuda and were able to ask her if she got to where she was going. And it's just amazing on how that happened. And how it was just normal like seeing a friend.
My last randomness I promise. My favorite song right now is Skillet's Will You Be There. My two favorite parts are... well here is the song... bold are my favorites..
As I fall to sleep Will You comfort me?
When my heart is weak Will You rescue me?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When Im falling down?
Will You be there?
When I''m in retreat,Can I run to You?
Will my pain release At Your mercy seat?
Will You be there As I grow cold?
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Will You be there?My heart grows cold.
Will You be there When I'm falling down?
Are You saying so?Oh, I gotta believe it.
Are You saying yeah?
When Your love comes down,I can rest my eyes.
Feel Your grace and power Flood into my life.
As my brokenness And Your strength collide,
When Your love comes down,
Falling down.
As I fall to sleepAs I fall to sleep
Will you be thereAs I grow cold?
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!
Well, I am almost caught up. Last Sunday, was an amazing day. I was at congregation and worship started and by the end of the first song the Spirit of the Lord had fallen and just filled the room. We, sang maybe two or three more songs. In between the songs the worship leader asked us all to get on our knees before the Lord and just wait there. It was amazing, everyone, even the musicians all got on their knees and there was probably 10-15 mins of silence in the presence of the Lord. Then the pastor shared his message and service ended late. It was an awesome time with the Lord. I actually still need to go back and listen to the sermon online because the Lord was dealing with my heart during that time. And I want to hear what Wayne said since everyone said it was good. Then after service I went up stairs to the Prayer Tower and had a healing teams ministry meeting. We will be starting in Sept. a Healing Rooms type thing on Sundays after service and I am on the team. So that was all exciting.
Than this Sunday, I talked to Hilda this afternoon and I told her that I feel called/lead by the Lord to do the night watch 12-3 three nights a week. And she was ecstatic. So starting this weekend I will be doing/completing the night watches on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (technically, so it's the morning of those days). So that is exciting, we will know be close to 24 hours a day for three days.
Nothing else has really happened, other than the Lord providing what is needed. Ohh ohh, you have to hear this story. Two Shabbots ago, a group of my friends had all gotten together for Shabbot dinner. They were going to have chicken, so a few of them went to the Shuk to get the chicken. They got two packages and the guy said that there are 8 in each package and they knew the house they were at had a couple pieces, but they also knew they would still be short some. So when they got home they counted and they had 21 pieces. Then they started washing and breading them. My friend noticed that there seemed to be a lot of chicken. So when they were done washing and breading it they counted and they know had 38 pieces of chicken. They were amazed and praised the Lord. But then as they cooked the chicken instead of it shrinking as it cooked the chicken began to swell. The chicken got bigger as it cooked. So my friends had multiplying chicken for Shabbot dinner. The Lord is so good.
Than this Sunday, I talked to Hilda this afternoon and I told her that I feel called/lead by the Lord to do the night watch 12-3 three nights a week. And she was ecstatic. So starting this weekend I will be doing/completing the night watches on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (technically, so it's the morning of those days). So that is exciting, we will know be close to 24 hours a day for three days.
Nothing else has really happened, other than the Lord providing what is needed. Ohh ohh, you have to hear this story. Two Shabbots ago, a group of my friends had all gotten together for Shabbot dinner. They were going to have chicken, so a few of them went to the Shuk to get the chicken. They got two packages and the guy said that there are 8 in each package and they knew the house they were at had a couple pieces, but they also knew they would still be short some. So when they got home they counted and they had 21 pieces. Then they started washing and breading them. My friend noticed that there seemed to be a lot of chicken. So when they were done washing and breading it they counted and they know had 38 pieces of chicken. They were amazed and praised the Lord. But then as they cooked the chicken instead of it shrinking as it cooked the chicken began to swell. The chicken got bigger as it cooked. So my friends had multiplying chicken for Shabbot dinner. The Lord is so good.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
To swim where Jesus walked
You know it took me two three weeks to finally understand that phrase, "you can swim where Jesus walked." I thought that the lake had just expanded past the shores of Jesus's time. I didn't think Bible stories. So anyways, on Saturday the congregation that I attend took a trip up to the Galilee to go swimming for the day. It was a blast.
The views on the drive up there where beautiful. And I had a good conversation with the guy I was sitting next to. I could just tell that the Galilee area was a more peaceful than Jerusalem. There was just something about being there that was refreshing. Even though I didn't see any sights, I felt like I met with the Lord, again even though I didn't take any time out for that.
Once the bus arrived at the beach, I hopped out and went swimming until lunch was ready and then hopped back in until we had to leave. So I didn't get around to taking an pictures other than the ones from the bus. While I was swimming I felt something touch/rub up against my leg. It felt fairly big and I freaked out a bit. I don't like anything touching me in the water, not sea weed or fish, nothing it's just not right. So I had been standing next to Michael and Bethany and the next thing I knew was that I was next to Bethany in Michael's arms floating on the water. It took me about 5 mins to be able to put my feet back in the water. Later, when I was getting cleaned to get back on the bus a guy from the congregation asked if it was me who said I felt something rub up against me. I said yes, and he said it was probably Peter's fish, they like to nibble or rub up against things. I was glad I heard that AFTER I got out of the water. I believe I was told that the area we were at is across the lake from where Jesus drove the evil spirits out of the man and into the pigs.
Enjoy the pictures!!

The hills of Jordan.
The Jordan River is right next to the road you see.
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