Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So I guess I might as well go back to last week. Last week was interesting. Everything seemed hard. Things seemed difficult that I have done so easily before. So, the week went and on Wed I decided that I was going to see The Covenant. thecovenant.com It is a play about God's covenant with His people. I saw it last year and loved it. And Wed was the last day it was playing until fall. So I went to buy my ticket and as I was getting the man working the cash register said wait aren't you a volunteer or student and I said yes. So, my ticket was cheaper which was my only concern with going to the play was the cost of the ticket. So God was so good.

Now the whole week wasn't bad, per say. Like on Tues evening a group of us went out after a watch and had dessert. And the presence of the Lord just fell in the restaurant. And I encourage you guys to take the Lord with you to the streets. We don't share Yeshua with people, but we simply let the Holy Spirit have his way with us and pray that the overflow will effect people.

Then Thur continued to be an awkward day. I had an evening watch and it went, it was neither good or bad. But then my friend had the following watch and he had difficulty finding music. SO I told him, he should play piano and I will sing. And it was amazing and powerful. We were singing God's vengeance and mercy. I just felt that my slump week was over. Words just flowed, tune and melody just flowed. It was a good night.

Then last night I had a time of soak (resting in the Lord) with friends. And the words spoken over me were amazing and what I needed to hear and explained some things I am going through already.

So, God is so good.

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