Sunday, March 2, 2008


I just thought that I would drop a little note to say that I am still in Jerusalem and that all is well here right now. This is sorta for my Grandma so she doesn't worry. But this is also for public knowledge as I am learning many things these days.

As most of you have probably heard that is unrest in the Gaza area. At congregation on Sat. they said that over the last year over 5000 rockets have hit Sderot. Today at congreation they said that since Israel had given up Gaza over 7500 Kassams have hit Ashkelon. Now if Israel were any other country that would mean that the country was at war. So, Israel is getting ready for a ground invasion right now. There main goal is to stop the rocket firing. An IDF (Israel Defense Force) soldier that people know was injuried. He was shot in the leg and we just found out fortunatel, because God is gracious, that he will not have to loose his legs.

But please keep this up in pray. Israel is God's choosen land and people. I am not worried for myself but there are many members of the IDF that I know and they may be being called up.

And one other knowledge thing there are Kassams and Kaytuchas. Kassams are better then Kaytuchas.

And I am just learning that arabs are rioting in Jerusalem. Again, I am not worried. But we want the Lord to be in control.

If you want more info I recommend looking up the Jerusalem Post or CBN or an acreditable news place.

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