Friday, June 8, 2007


So last week I had visitors. I don't know if you have ever been on a trip and your in a foriegn country and someone you know is coming to the same place. Well, you get excited. That's how I felt last week. The pastors form HRC came for a whirlwind tour of the Holy Land. So I only know 2 of them but I invited them to the Prayer Tower as well as we were having the Jerusalem Praise Experience. Another girl who is up in the Prayer Tower is from HRC so she was inviting them as well. So on Tuesday night they showed up as I was closing the Prayer Tower. There was much confusion. Most of them went down to the Praise Experience and a few stayed because of the presence of the Lord in the Upper Room. Then all of them came up at the end and had their own private worship time. It was amazing.
Then on Wednesday we went to their evening meeting. I was excited to find out that the person speaking that night was Robert Stearn. Then I had a time of prayer with a few people and I recieved a few words. One person said she saw me under a large wing and that I am in a safe place. That in this safe place they will ask me to do things that I have never done before but they will come along side me and mentor me. When this learning time is open that it will open the door to the nations. So that was very encouraging. That was fun.
Then that Saturday I was at a birthday party and I learned that the Levites when they turn 25 start being trained in temple duties and that when they turn 30 they begin full time ministry in the temple. I felt like I am in my training time but I also feel like it will be an accelerated training time. I can't wait to see what God does.

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