Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Faith: Trust

Many of us claim to trust God. We have faith and trust for the everyday sorta things. But do we really know how to trust God? Are we really ready to trust Him with everything?

Let's see....

You hear God's call. You know you are to go to another country. You have enough money or can save enough in time. You speak the language. You know people there. You have a place you can stay at. Trusting God is very easy at this level. What do you need to trust God for. (Now I understand that God probably provided all these things, because He is a good God.)

But what happens when those things aren't there. You know you are called and that you have to leave but you don't have all that. Can you still trust God, do you still have faith? This time you don't speak the langauge. English is the second langauge and about half the people speak it but it's not the main language. Can you still trust God? Now you don't have the money but God is slowly bringing it in. You're suppose to be there for 3 months and you only have enough for 1 and a half. Do you trust that God will still provide? Now you don't have a place to stay. There are places where you can stay but not permanently. Or you can pay but then you only have enough money for a month.

Now is He still God? Did He still call you to go? Now is when trusting God is/seems hard. Because now you have nothing to rely on but God. Now is when you have to remind yourself and the devil that you were called by God and that you are walking in obedience and that God will take care of you. But let me tell you that is easier said then done. Because satan wants to come in and say, maybe you came at the wrong time, you call her soon enough, you're no good, why did you come. And remembering each time to stop that voice before you let it in can seem tiring. But you just have to recognize it and tell satan he is a liar and continue to trust God.

That reminds me of what the Pastor said on Sunday. Jesus died for all of the worlds sin. And yet ALL the worlds sin could not keep Jesus in the grave. So why am I letting that sin/thought keep me down in grave close. So I will walk with my head held high, even though I don't speak the language, I don't have all the money I need, and even though I have not permanent place to rest my head. Because if my God can rise from the dead He can find me a place to live.

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