So I decided that today's blog will be done in the form of a picture book.

So last weekend Eliana and I went to Netanya for a vacation. We got a hotel that was close to the beach and knew a few good resturants. We arrived Thur night and just hung out, had some dessert and walked around.

Friday when we got up we headed into town, simply to find some flip flops. But it was Purim and there was a parade and parties so it was not the easiest thing. Purim, is to celebrate the fast of Esther.
And to celebrate children and some adults dress up. They give each other candy and just have fun.

As you can se these things were huge. I felt like I hardly dented it. And just for fun I wanted to take a before and after pic.

Then we went back to the hotel to get cleaned up and rest from all the sun. So later that evening when we were rested we got a cab to a resturant called Max Brenners. It specializes in CHOCOLATE. I am not kinding. We had real food first, they serve some not alot. Then we had dessert.

I had Dark Chocolate Soup. Those are marshmallow, straberries, and waffle crunchies, to put in the soup. The dark chocolate was a little much. I only made it through half.

And Eliana had half a Chocolate Pizza. The time before when we had been to this resturant Eliana and I shared a sampler platter of fondue, crepe, soup, nugget, sipping chocolate, and ice cream. This place is amazing for a chocolate freak.
Then Sat we didn't do much. Almost everywhere was closed and even though it was Shabbot we had to be out of the room at a normal check out (which is abnormal for Israel). But we had a good time and we even got home in time to make it to a friends art exibit. Which you will hear about later.
Here too are a few pics of my room in the apartment.

This is of my room from my door.

And here is my room from the balcony door. Bed to the left and closet to the right. And nice little bread box just for me.