Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I'm sorry. I now it has been forever since I last wrote and this post seems really out dated. But this is a snippet of an email I wrote to family and friends shortly after I came back to Israel. I arrived on May 9th. I hope you enjoy and in the next 2 or 3 days I post a more up to date one.

For those who don't know already. I arrived in Israel at midnight Friday morning. I got to my apartment had 3 1/2 hours of sleep and then went to the One Thing Conference for the next two days. It was amazing. I found I didn't learn that much from the speakers. But I had the opportunity to work on the prophetic teams 2 days in a row and that was amazing to see the Lord use me and to have to use my gifting. And it was fun on the second day I had the honor of being on Don Finto's team. I also helped 'usher' it was more 'security'. And it was fun because I have always watched the people at conferences and such who block the back stage areas and things like that, and I have thought wow they are so cool and special and really know what's going on. And that was my job for two days and I learned those people have no idea what they are doing (hee hee). But the conference was good and the presence and the Spirit of the Lord was there. And I am sorry for those who I told it was going to be live on God Tv. The recorded it to show later. So mom can you find out when and make sure you record it. Thanks! Then Sunday the next day I went to The Call all day. And that was amazing. And if you watched it, the youth who were on stag, most of them are my friends and I was blessed to see them up there and moving into their destinies. Oh yeah and I got to meet Heidi Baker. My friends Aaron and Brenda work with her and they take care of her when she comes to the land. So a group of us were wait outside the doors to get into the auditorium for The Call and then Aarons yells to us. And I hand Eliana my drink and go to give Aaron a 'Hi, I'm back in the land hug' and I do and right next to him was a lady and just passed her by to get a hug and then Aaron goes Sam this is Heidi and I got a hug from Heidi. And I just think it was funny how I didn't notice her and that it was my friends who I wanted to see first. And then after The Call a group of us were waiting for some people and Aaron and Brenda were still there with Heidi trying to get vehicles worked out and then we all left at the same time. And Aaron told Heidi that this is a core of the youth/kids they work with and Heidi said she could see that. Then we were outside and Joel called down more fire for me and I got stuck in place and then Heidi walked by and was giving me more. So it was neat. Two other things I found interesting and then I have to go by food. One was that I was blessed to see at the One Thing Conference on Friday Jill Austin came. And the neat thing was she wasn't a speaker but she was in town for The Call and so she came and there was no special anything down she was just a part of the audience. And that really spoke to me, that she knows that she is just a part of the body and wants to see/take part in what the Lord is doing. And then at The Call Jill and Heidi were there and a few others I don't know but they never spoke. So I am guessing that they were there to intercede. And again I just learned so much from that they are will to come and just be a part and not be center stage. And that it was neat to see them come and support their friends. That was cool.